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For activism, the employees working on this program of Punjab will be active. Aswail Canals

punjab ravi-interest river water review review, it is necessary for water spring to do watsapp. In Kurukshetra Sitting Position Sanchar N and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Vasil Nair’s Status Notting States States States States States of Wet Bank Positions.

Partition said that Punjab would take 50 more time after partition.

“In this way, Punjab said, ‘rows’ said,” he said. In the case of the environment, it is under the control of the environment.” They solve problems on the subject.

Punjab’s Sukhpal Singh Khara spoke about the state’s Bhagwant Mann and his party’s ‘showy’ stand in dealing with DAC. Khara said that Punjab does not have surplus water and the government under the leadership of Bhawant Mann will launch a rescue operation for Punjab on this bug.

The state government said that contempt should be considered as bad. It is necessary to be environmentally friendly.

Punjab President Amarinder Singh Waring said who is the head of AAP in Punjab? Character of going on contempt by Haryana, Warning must have thought, “Man sir, what’s your position on enemy duality. Prepare a law to contest elections legally.

Shiromani Akrama Dal leader Dal Singh Cheema said Mann is secret in Punjab. ️ Events

Cheema at an event, ”Shri Bhagwant Mann had such a plan. Said, “It will turn on only when it is turned on.

After the state is ON, it will be activated to be active after the particular ON state is activated. Pacbang will have post office after post office with the post office to be in working condition.

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(news said)