10 signs of heartburn and how to fix it The Times of India

Lack of trust: Jealous people often rely on those who fuel their jealousy or support the cause of their jealousy. For others, these people are unable to develop a sense of trust. The lack of trust coupled with the feeling of insecurity makes a person helpless and powerless.

Insecurity: The biggest weapon of jealousy is insecurity. It makes a person weak and disables their mental capacity to be confident. The insecurities associated with jealousy create fear, anger, anger and frustration in the individual.

Low Confidence: Jealousy destroys a person’s self-confidence. When a person lacks self-confidence, jealousy very easily occupies the mental space of the person.

Low Self-Esteem: A person full of jealousy always lacks self-esteem and self-confidence.

Suspicious: It is difficult for a jealous person to trust others. There is always a feeling of negativity in his mind.

Over Dominant: Often seen in relationships, jealous people try to control their partners.

Irritability: It is very easy to tease a person who is jealous of others. Just mentioning those people in front of them can upset them.

Negative Judgment: Jealous people tend to give negative opinions about others even if they know the truth.

Happy with others’ distress and vice versa: In some ways, people who are jealous of others are happier when other people face failures and become sad if something good happens to them.

Lack of self-acceptance: These people are always seen comparing themselves with others and weighing their pros and cons with others.