10 ways to engage your pet in activities that are mentally and physically engaged

Being a pet parent is not easy. You need to understand your furball’s demands by looking at his body language. It is important to pay attention to their behavior. And, to keep your sweet baby active and energetic, offer these ideas and create some precious memories –

For your pups, make their meal times exciting and mentally stimulating. Instead of putting a dollop of good food in their bowl, hide their food around the house so they can be detected. Break up the food into small portions and leave it at different places in the house or in their favorite puzzle toys.

You may have seen many videos on the Internet about dogs trying out complex tricks or obeying commands in addition to the basics. You can take inspiration and engage your dog to learn some new tricks and praise them with treats.

Activate their sensory organs by setting up a trail with hidden food in your garden or terrace.

Let them make new friends apart from humans. Take them to a pet-friendly cafe or ask your friend to bring their dog and let them interact and play and form a bond.

You can play fetch or hide and seek with your child. This will not only be physically attractive to them but will also put them in an upbeat and playful mood.

For your kittens, feed them in their puzzle toys as well. Their curiosity will force them to play with toys and food will be their cure.

A simple cardboard box can be extremely stimulating for your cat. Give them things like unhandled paper bags, boxes, bottles and toys to examine.

Take a cotton string and hang it somewhere safe and out of reach and watch them play with it all day.

Create a nook near the window for your pet to sit in and observe the coming and going of birds and squirrels.

You can build a ramp in one of your rooms at different heights for your agile kitty to jump and go on. This will give them much needed exercise.

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