15 photos coming in new delhi in delhi, 55 gm corona virus in mumbai mumbai city-chennai in distress

Kovid Case India: Corona cases in Delhi, Mumbai, Mumbai and Kota

New Delhi:

The knock of 2022 in the country corona smallpox Full picture. Also join some other types of annual income for 30 years in India. That is, 25 blocks. The storm has resulted in the transition to worst-case weather, where the storm is unexpectedly infected. Especially for the soon-to-be effective Javas. something in this Corona cases in Delhi, Mumbai It has been included in this.

55 in Delhi
Mumbai, Mumbai, Chennai and the fastest… In the first 15 days of this year in Delhi, cases increased by 55 times, the number of daily cases of corona in Delhi was 28761 on 13 January, while on 29 December only 496 cases in the capital Were met. The changing time of the season is between 27-28, when the infected patient is updated in the season..

Delhi Corona Cases:
14 Jan-24282
13 Jan-28761
12 Jan-27561
11 Jan-21259
January 10-19166
09 Jan- 22751
08 Jan- 20181
07- 17,335
06 Jan-15097
05 Jan-10665
04 Jan-5481
03 Jan-4099
02 Jan-3194
01 Jan-2716
December 31-1796
December 30-923
29 December-496

this also further

Communication area up to 8-9 gum in Mumbai
In Mumbai, there are 8-9 infected patients in 2022 infected patients. In the case of Maharashtra of Maharashtra, 67 was charged in the case of Mumbai, but now it has been revised to 33-35. The weather in Mumbai is updated for duration. TIME OF CRISIS IN MUMBAI 20971 IN TIME OF EMERGENCY TIME OF EMERGENCY, TIME OF CRISIS TIME OF CRISIS IN MUMBAI WERE IN EMERGENCY ON 4 APRIL 2021. Up to 2.65 lakh have gone across Maharashtra.

Mumbai covid cases:
Date- Mumbai/Maharashtra
14 Jan-11317/43211
13 Jan-13702/46406
10 Jan-13648/33470
09 Jan- 19,474/40388
08 Jan- 20318/41434
07 Jan- 20971/40925
06 Jan-20181/36265
05 Jan- 15166/26538
04 Jan 10860/18466
03 Jan 8082/12160
02 Jan 8063/11877
January 1 6347/9170
31 5631/8067
30 3671/5368
29 2510/3900

27 in Bangalore
Similar batteries are quick for a similar start in Karnataka. On the 12th of May the total assets in BAT Karnataka have been searched up to 93099. The newspaper has seen 10.96.

Bangalore Covid Cases:

Date- Bangalore/Karnataka
14 Jan-11317/43211
13 Jan-13702/46406
12- 15617/21390
11 Jan-10800/14473
10 Jan-9221/11698
09 Jan-9020/12000
08 Jan- 7113/8906
07 Jan- 6812/8449
06 Jan-4324/5031
05 Jan-3605/4246
04 Jan-2053/2479
03 Jan-1041/1290
02 Jan-923/1187
01 Jan-810/1033
December 31-656/832
December 30-565/707
29 December-400/566

25 gum telecommunications in England
And are completely inactive in the city. In these, there is a total of 88959 cases in the watch. Newspaper 11.5 has kept it open.

Chennai Kovid Cases:
Date- English/Tamil Nadu
Jan 15-8978/23989
14 Jan-8963/23459
13 Jan-8218/20911
12 Jan-7372/17934
11 6484/15379
10 Jan-6190/13990
09 Jan-12895/6186
08- 5098/10978
07 Jan- 4531/8981
06 Jan-3759/6983
05 Jan-2481/4862
04 Jan-1489/2731
Jan 03-876/1728
02 Jan-776/1594
01 Jan-682/1489
31 December-589/1155
30 December-397/890
29 December-294/739

Kota is also suffering
Report 4-5 in case of reports. 09 Logged in 24287 statuses, the most in Coloka was updated to 33-35. Of course some are donating blood.

Kolkata Kovid Cases:

15 Jan-4831/19064
14 Jan-6867/22645
Jan 13-6768/23467
12- 7060/22155
Jan 11-6565/21098
10 Jan-5556/19286
09 Jan-8712/24287
08 Jan- 7337/18802
07 Jan- 7484/18213
06 Jan-6569/15421
05 Jan-6170/14022
04 Jan-4759/9073
03 Jan-2801/6078
02 Jan-923/1187
01 Jan-810/1033
December 31-656/832
December 30-565/707
29 December-400/566
