17 years of 26/7 deluge: Heavy rains continue in Mumbai, remembering the day India’s financial capital came to a standstill

Mumbai Flood of 2005: The year 2005 is recorded in the history books as the year when the financial capital of India suffered the most during the lunar season. Mumbai received over 900 mm of rain in a few hours on 26 July 2005. To put the enormity of the situation in perspective, Mumbai receives an annual rainfall of around 2000 mm. But on that day, about 45 percent of the annual amount in the city was exhausted within a few hours.

In pictures: When rain brought Mumbai to a standstill on 26 July 2005

The city, known for its round-the-clock hustle and bustle, came to a standstill as the streets and roads were submerged in water. According to reports, more than 1000 people lost their lives and around 14,000 were rendered homeless. The torrential rain was too heavy for the city’s drainage system to handle. The city was tied in fetters due to a cloudburst.


The commotion started around 2 pm when a severe storm hit the land of Mumbai Metropolitan Region. Soon after, the city’s lifeline, the Mumbai Local, came to a halt. Thousands of working people and school going students were stranded and could not reach their homes for more than 24 hours.

The incident highlighted the gap between disaster management and city preparedness. Due to the worst floods the city had ever experienced, a detailed report was prepared in 2006, which served as a handbook for the municipal corporation for years to come. In addition, the mitigation of the 2005 floods played an important role in the formulation of the National Guidelines for Urban Flood Development in 2009.

Almost a decade and a half later, fortunately, Mumbai has not seen the horrors of 2005 again. Heavy rain was an annual occurrence but officials were better prepared. Heavy rain was reported in the early week of July in 2022. Many areas were flooded, but the city remained in turmoil.

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