2 PIOs, including Sunak, expected to run for Tory leadership by now – Times of India

LONDON: At least two Indian-origin Conservative MPs are expected to run for the Tory leadership.
Indian-origin Attorney General Suella Braverman was the first to formally announce the leadership bid before MP Boris johnson When she said live on Wednesday night TV: “If there’s a leadership contest, I’ll put my name in the ring. I love this country. My parents didn’t come here with anything and it was Britain that gave them hope, security. And this country has given me incredible opportunities in education and my career, and I’m grateful to have served as prime minister for this country and that would be the biggest honor.”
The 42-year-old former barrister was appointed attorney general in 2020, the government’s senior-most law officer who oversees the Crown Prosecution Service. His Indian-origin parents immigrated to the UK from Kenya and Mauritius in the 1960s. She grew up at Wembley, studied law at Cambridge and campaigned for UK to leave the European Union.
Although the billionaire Infosys Son-in-law of founder NR Narayana Murthy Rishi Sunki, who dramatically stepped down as chancellor on Tuesday, has yet to formally announce the leadership bid, is widely expected to run and is considered one of the frontrunners in the race goes. In fact some bookmakers like William Hill on Thursday had Sunak as their favorite to replace Johnson at 5/1.
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss, former health secretary of Pakistani origin Sajid Javido And Defense Secretary Ben Wallace is also expected to throw his hat in the ring when the competition is announced. The new leader will be selected by Conservative MPs and party members.