2021 Indian Wine Power List

The list may be short, but each of the five has proven its worth during the pandemic – bolstering both its business and India’s wine market. In addition, recommendations for an end to epidemic alcoholism

During the lockdown last year, when liquor stocks dried up in domestic bars across the country, Indians started looking to local producers to meet their needs. Not only did this boost the industry, but as consumers began to trade, and drank better quality wine, Indian premium wines went front and center.

Some wine veterans led the change, leading to new ideas and processes. Whether it’s raising the quality level of premium Indian wines, introducing a diversified international portfolio to the Indian market, due to sustainability (a hot button topic around the world), making wine a fun and enjoyable topic, or just directing the world focus. be in the case of doing. As far as India is concerned with ambitious plans and projects, there is a lot happening which is positive.

who are shown The Hindu WeekendThe pandemic’s power list is short, but it’s already possible to see new sprouts everywhere – the sly Indian spirit of entrepreneurship is rapidly blooming across the country. While next year’s list will hopefully be longer and more diverse, this year already brings renewed enthusiasm and confidence as we move into 2022.

Ravi Viswanathan, 58

President, Grover Zampa Vineyards

Put Your Money Behind High Tech at Winery and Vineyards

He made news in 2018 by cracking three barrels of top Burgundy at the prestigious Hospice de Beaune charity auction. Now, he’s charting his own course—with stability at the forefront. A new state-of-the-art winery is being built in Karnataka, not far from the old flagship of Grover Zampa Vineyards, with everything from solar panels to gravity flow tanks. “It will be a completely green winery,” says Viswanathan. “Each element is built into the design to support sustainability, and target problems specific to India. For example, high temperatures.”

Ravi Viswanathan

Under his charge, Grover Zampa Vineyards has introduced a slew of high-tech. These include planning for vineyard weather systems and drones to detect vine disease early, soil monitoring sensors to improve water efficiency, and a canopy growth vegetation index to provide regular assessment of yields. . At the Winery, Modern Temperature Controlled Amphorae, New French foudress And the tanks are already in use. Research is also being conducted to extend the life cycle of the vine to 20 to 30 years, thereby reducing costs and reducing herbicide use.

Viswanathan firmly believes that Indian drinkers, though still few in number, are more knowledgeable (at this stage of their wine journey) than their counterparts in developed countries. “Today’s consumer is very different from 10 years ago – there is an increasing appetite to try new styles, with different grape varieties gaining acceptance in social circles as wines.” The world’s two biggest trade fairs – Proven and Vinexpo – have now reached India in 2021, he says.

He’s also betting big on wine tourism. In addition to the Nashik project, each of their four wineries will have hospitality services, from chalets to wine boutiques, restaurants and lounges.

Rajeev Samant, 54

Founder-Chief Sustainability Officer, Sula Vineyards

Strong Stability with the reuse of waste water And rainwater harvesting

Samant sold his first bottle of liquor in 2000 and now it has crossed the one million mark. But he’s not stopping for breath. This September, Sula embraced sustainability by signing with the Miguel Torres-led IWCA (International Winery for Climate Action) over 20 big-brand wineries, including Biodynamic Star Cullen Wines of Australia and Jackson Family Wines of the USA Huh. According to Samant, this is another step towards his commitment to fighting climate change and preparing Sula for the future. “Ten years ago, we installed our first solar panels. Today we produce 65% of our energy needs. If we are not sustainable, we have no meaning to exist.”

Rajeev Samanti

Rajeev Samanti

Change is happening on every front. With a greater focus on the premium end of their portfolio, brands Rasa and The Source have seen new packaging and improved sales – establishing the award winning Source Rosé as India’s best-selling rosé brand.

On the wine tourism front, Sula already sees a record-breaking 400,000 visitors to its hospitality centers, The Source and Beyond. It has hit 100% occupancy when we speak, and Samantha is thrilled. “The pandemic was a very difficult time for us and the return is very welcome.” They opened five new rooms in the past month and now “need to take a breath”.

Stability remains of the feudal lord raison d’etre, Addressing the acute water shortage in India, Sula is reusing wastewater to save up to 33% per case of alcohol produced, while large-scale rainwater harvesting can save 85% of their fresh water. Necessity is supplied. Among other measures are e-vehicles for transport connected to wineries, which are a major contributor to greenhouse gases. Sula aims to touch 75% of solar energy use by 2023.

Sonal Holland, 48

master of wine

Online wine courses launched at affordable price points

For Live Wire, the pandemic lockdowns were somewhat calmer but no less frantic. ,[Last year] Our retail sales, helped by home deliveries, grew 30% despite the six-month lockdown,” she says. But the big news is their success with digital media. Her wine school, the Sonal Holland Wine Academy, was established in 2009 to provide online education – set to change track – and saw a 300% increase in enrollment.

“My followers on social media have doubled. During the lockdown, I invested in a new [social media] Team and ready to create new content. Her introductory online Wine Pro course at an affordable Rs 2,200 price tag is something she is proud of. Holland’s personal social media presence across platforms further fueled his success. This brand awareness, as well as panel discussions with experts, resulted in her big-ticket Instagram Live sessions with actor Dominic West, producer Francis Ford Coppola and super-chef Gagan Anand, making her one of the news channel She the People’s 40 Listed out of 40. Women Entrepreneurs.

sonal holland

sonal holland

His successes escalated into post-pandemic inquiries from international trade and investment bodies, and today Hollande has teamed up with the California Wine Institute as well as the brand ambassador for South Australia Wines: to 300% off his masterclass at Provine India. More subscribed. and saw people crowding the corridors to listen to him.

His decision to represent top brands such as Napa Valley’s Buena Vista Winery as a brand ambassador for his wine import company, Napa Valley, and launch his line of wine endorsements, Sonal Holland Master Select, is new.

Vishal and Ashu Kadakia, 47 and 46

wine park

followed them”gut feeling” For making 160-Strong Wine Department

He started out as “a gatekeeper” to the industry with big names. Therefore, his approach to choosing wines to represent in his portfolio was novel. “I just look at the quality and the story behind the wine I choose. No big names, only family-owned boutique producers.” Vishal, today one of India’s top wine importers, stars Tuscan Brancaya, Querciabella, and took on Bibi Gretz, when her stars were still on the ascendant.

Vishal and Ashu Kadakia

Vishal and Ashu Kadakia

The story of his own wine dates back to his time in America when he took a WSET (Wine and Spirits Education Trust) Level 2 course and fell in love with the complexity of wine. When he returned to India with his wife Ashu in 2005, he considered opening a wine bar – but left it because “we had no clue how to go about things”. Much later (while working in his family business), during a trip to Spain, a winemaker asked him if he was interested in importing his wines to India. “We brought back a bottle and tasted a star hotel, which immediately ordered 60 bottles!” This is how Wine Park, a leading importer of wines with a 160-strong portfolio, began its story.

Vishal chose to make his name as a ‘wine storyteller’ by skipping tasting notes, but rather focusing on his makers’ stories of growth and discovery when presenting wines. “It’s not based on science,” he says, “it’s about my own enjoyment as well as a gut feeling.” For example, he focused on and promoted Loimer Grüner Veltliner’s flashy green label on that premise – sales quadrupled overnight – rather than the Austrian star maker’s award-winning biodynamic practices; As with Chianti’s Querciabella, the story was flipped to focus on the manufacturer’s biodynamics practices: cow horns and the Razzmatazz of Prep 500.

It is worth mentioning that the business of the wine park is also savvy during the pandemic. When businesses were collapsing, they doubled sales. Thanks to Ashu and Google Docs. “I emailed the document [which organised their client database] with 10 people. In an hour it went viral and we got 400 orders.” Today, his retail customer base is above 20,000 and Ashu personally meets customers and advises them on wine preferences.

Uma Chigurupati, 61

Founder, KRSMA Estates

A focused portfolio with sustainable viticulture and only premium wines

Two years ago, Uma was worried about the lack of rain in her vineyards near Hampi. Today he is just the opposite. “Our harvest is great this year, but with rain during the season [ripening of grapes]…are more prone to fruit spoilage and pest growth.”

Crop size is important as KRSMA boasts only premium wines in its focused portfolio, made only from grapes grown in their vineyards. Therefore, production is small (50,000 bottles), their market is small, out of choice (Hyderabad, Bengaluru and Goa), and they dominate the premium wine landscape in India.

Recommendations for ending epidemic alcoholism

  • Ravi Viswanathan: La Romany Liger by Belair or La Grande Rue by Domaine Lamarche. They are the true expressions of Pinot Noir.
  • Sonal Holland: Ponting Riana Rosé, a delightfully refreshing pink wine from the cool, coastal Fleury Peninsula region of South Australia. It is produced by the legendary cricketer Ricky Ponting and is named after his wife Rianna.
  • Vishal and Ashu Kadakia: Ashu’s choice is Domaine de la Romane-Conti 2003. However, I would drink 2005, a super vintage in Burgundy.
  • Uma Chigurupati: La Sirena 2010 Cabernet Sauvignon by Heidi Barrett is a bold and well-balanced wine with fine tannins that integrate well with the oak.

While Uma leads the decision-making – from the vineyard to the finished product – her husband and co-founder, Krishna, step in to offer advice when needed. “I like to play it safe, he’s a bold decision-maker,” she explains. His wish list includes increasing production of his ‘second’ wine, the approachable, fruity brand K2 that caters to “those who are familiar with drinking wine.”

Uma is determined to follow the rules of sustainable viticulture. “It is important to stay away from indiscriminate use of fungicides and herbicides. When a consumer opens a bottle of wine, he should not taste the chemicals.” Also on the cards soon is his COVID-delayed project – building a state-of-the-art tasting room overlooking his vineyards, along with There are also some rooms for the visitors of the same winery. “People come to visit us while in Hampi” [a 1.5-hour drive away] So we don’t need big hospitality facilities.”

Uma Chigurupati

Uma Chigurupati

While Uma regrets ignoring demands to export to countries such as the US, UK and Japan, as well as withdrawing from New York, where they were once listed among the top restaurants and bars – “we cannot continue due to increasing domestic demand”. can keep it” – he hopes they will now increase their plantings, which will help their ability to supply to additional markets. But, in the end, what is important to him is quality. “We are not about numbers. KRSMA is not a business for us, but an obsessive project.”