2022 FIFA World Cup host Qatar denies Amnesty’s claims of migrant worker exploitation

Qatar’s government said on Tuesday that its labor system was still a work in progress, but denied allegations in a report by Amnesty International that thousands of migrant workers were being trapped and exploited in the 2022 World Cup host country .

A 48-page report from Amnesty, Reality Check 2021, said that despite labor reforms in 2014, practices such as withholding wages and charging employees to change jobs were still prevalent as the country plans to host football tournaments next year. is preparing for.

The Guardian quoted Amnesty’s Global Issues program director Mark Dumet as saying: “The apparent complacency by the authorities leaves thousands of workers at risk of exploitation by unscrupulous employers, many of whom are unable to change jobs and face wage theft. are.”

“They have little hope of remedy, compensation or justice. After the World Cup, the fate of the workers living in Qatar will be even more uncertain.”

However, a statement from Qatar’s Office of Government Communications dismissed claims that labor reforms did not result in changes on the ground for thousands of migrant workers.

“Amnesty fails to document a single story from the 242,870 workers who have successfully changed jobs since the barriers were lifted in September 2020, or from the more than 400,000 workers who received pay increases and other financial incentives. have directly benefited from the new minimum wage,” the statement said.

“Qatar has never shied away from acknowledging that its labor system is still a work in progress.” “The government is committed to engaging collaboratively and constructively with international partners and critics to further improve the standards of all migrant workers in Qatar.”

The 2022 World Cup is scheduled to begin from November 21 and will involve 32 teams.

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