2023 World Consumer Rights Day: Theme, History and Significance

New Delhi:

World Consumer Rights Day is observed every year on 15 March to create global awareness about the rights and needs of consumers. The day aims to recognize consumer rights and ensure that they are respected and protected.

Theme of 2023 World Consumer Rights Day

The theme of this year’s World Consumer Rights Day is “Empowering Consumers through a Clean Energy Transition”. It has been chosen to help consumers overcome challenges related to the cost of living and increase access to reliable, affordable, sustainable and modern energy.

History of World Consumer Rights Day

World Consumer Rights Day is inspired by John F Kennedy, the former President of the United States of America. On March 1962, he delivered a special message to the US Congress highlighting consumer rights issues becoming the world leader to do so. The President said, “Consumers include all of us. They are the largest economic group, influencing and influencing almost every public and private economic decision. Yet they are the only significant group… whose views are often not heard.’

World Consumer Rights Day was first marked in 1983 and since then, March 15 is dedicated to consumer rights and issues related to it.


Being a consumer, a person has a right to know about the purity, price, potency, quality and quantity of the goods or services purchased. Consumers face challenges including a lack of safe goods and services on a daily basis.

As consumers, it is important to be aware of our rights so that we can act against market abuse and ensure a safe market.

World Consumer Rights Day is observed to educate consumers about their rights through campaigns, advertisements, public meetings, social media and marches. The day provides an opportunity to raise voice against market abuses and social injustice and inspire efforts to protect the rights of consumers. The occasion also highlights the era where consumer rights are inadequately protected.

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