2+2 dialogue reflects the comfort in bilateral ties: Jaishankar

New Delhi: India and Australia on Saturday strengthened their bilateral ties and ties with their first “2+2” defense and foreign ministerial talks within the Quad Grouping.

Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and Cabinet colleague Defense Minister Rajnath Singh join Australian Foreign Minister Maris Payne and Defense Minister Peter Dutton in New Delhi for the inaugural “2+2” dialogue.

The talks are the result of a virtual summit between the Prime Ministers of India and Australia in June last year to elevate India-Australia ties to the level of a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership.

According to Jaishankar, “India-Australia relations have experienced unprecedented momentum in the last seven years. Despite the pandemic, there has been consistent engagement in many areas. New mechanisms reflecting new energies have emerged.”

“The 2+2 dialogue reflects the comfort we have in our bilateral relations, particularly in the strategic and security sectors, with Australia on increasing convergence on security issues and our shared commitment to a free, open, prosperous and rules-based based on. Indo-Pacific region,” Jaishankar said.

Australian Foreign Minister Maris Payne said in her remarks that the “strong engagement” between the two sides spoke of a “powerful momentum in the relationship”.

A person familiar with the talks said the talks were “good” with convergence on a range of issues, including a bilateral meeting between Jaishankar and Payne ahead of the “2+2” meeting on Saturday.

The strengthening of India-Australia ties also comes against the backdrop of China’s aggressive rise and coercion against its neighbours.

Payne said the situation in the East China Sea and South China Sea was discussed at the “2+2” meeting – that is, China’s tensions with Japan and its Southeast Asian neighbors over maritime boundary disputes. On its part, Australia is embroiled in trade tensions. China later backed a US call for an investigation into the origins of Covid-19 with Canberra imposing higher tariffs on Australian products in retaliation, which first surfaced in China in late 2019. India also has strained relations with China after New Delhi took note of the incursion. Its territory by Chinese troops in May 2020.

“India and Australia share a positive vision of a free, open, secure and inclusive Indo-Pacific. Our cooperation as maritime powers and outlying democracies in the Indo-Pacific is essential.” The Indo-Pacific is seen as a large geo-strategic space that includes land and seas from the eastern coasts of Africa to the western coast. On Friday, in a speech in New Delhi, Payne described India and Australia as the “northern and eastern anchorages” of the Indian Ocean, where major global sea routes are.

China has been wary of the Quad – a grouping that brings together the US, Japan, India and Australia – and sees it as a means to halt its rise in the world. Incidentally, the India-Australia “2+2” comes ahead of a possible meeting of the leaders of the four Quad countries in Washington later this month. The summit is expected to take place on 24 September. India and the US also organize their “2+2” dialogue in November.

In his remarks, Singh said that during the 2+2 discussions “both sides emphasized the need for free flow of trade, adherence to international rules and norms and ensuring sustainable economic growth across the region.”

“On bilateral defense cooperation, we decided to work together to expand military engagement across all services, facilitate greater defense information sharing and mutual logistical support,” Singh said.

On his part, Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton called for further strengthening of defense ties between the two countries. Ties are growing, with Australia participating in the Malabar naval exercise with India, the US and Japan and Australia inviting the Indian Army to participate in the next edition of its military combat code called Talisman Saber in 2023. He said that both the countries will also strengthen each other’s maritime sector awareness.

Describing India as a “growing Indo-Pacific great power and an increasingly important security partner for Australia, especially in the maritime domain”, Dutton said Australia is increasing its defense diplomatic representation in New Delhi.

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