231 new COVID-19 cases have been reported in Coimbatore district

231 new cases of COVID-19 were reported in Coimbatore district on Tuesday.

The health department said that 822 persons have recovered from the disease on Tuesday and there are 4,711 active cases in the district. A 57-year-old man from the district died of COVID-19 on Monday, taking the total toll to 2,608.

The test positivity rate in the district stood at 4.8% on Monday, when 305 persons tested positive for the disease.

69 new cases were reported in Tiruppur district on Tuesday. The overall toll stood at 1,050 with no new deaths reported by the health department. There were 1,499 active cases in the district and 565 patients in the district had recovered from COVID-19.

21 new cases were reported in Nilgiris district. While 89 persons were cured after treatment, there were 529 active cases in the district on Tuesday.
