249 cases of corona found in Delhi, dangerously ill patients amidst oxygen

In the development of Corona in Delhi

New Delhi:

Those exposed to air in Delhi are dangerous only in the middle of the season. There are 249 new patients in the capital Delhi in 24 hours. 180 new cases a day ago. One patient is dying in 24 hours. 96 are in updated status. The number in Delhi is 934.
The total in the capital has gone up to 14,43,062 so far. The total number of calls is 25,104. 57,295 tests have been conducted in Delhi in 24 hours. The total policy is 0.43.

this also further

Delhi has become most dangerous after November 13. Latest News Updates the latest news since November 9th. There were 255 cases on 13 November and 0.46 in the newspaper on 9 November. The number of active activities in the capital is 934. , Most active patients after 4 November. 992 of the accounting system. The total death toll from Corona in 24 hours was 25,104.
