3.6 magnitude earthquake hits Tamil Nadu’s Vellore

An earthquake measuring 3.6 on the Richter scale struck Tamil Nadu’s Vellore, informed the National Center for Seismology (NCS) on Saturday.

It was recorded at 4.17 am at a depth of 25 km, the data showed.

“Earthquake of magnitude: 3.6, occurred on 29-11-2021, 04:17:22 IST, Latitude: 12.78 & Long: 78.60, Depth: 25 km, Location: 59 km WSW Vellore, Tamil Nadu,” informed NCS A tweet on Saturday.

Last week, earthquakes struck various areas in the eastern part of the country. A 6.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Northeast region, including Assam and Mizoram 26 November.

According to the data shared by the department, the epicenter of the quake was near Mizoram, near the Myanmar border.

Officials said the tremors were felt at several places in West Bengal including Assam, Mizoram, Manipur and Tripura as well as Kolkata, Alipurduar, Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts.

The Northeast region is located in a high seismic zone, which causes frequent earthquakes in the region.

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