3 healthy, easy and fun ways to use eggs for breakfast

Eggs are a popular breakfast option around the world. And, if you are on your weight loss journey, it is imperative that you increase your protein intake as it boosts metabolism. Eggs are a great source of that. They are also very satiating and if consumed during breakfast, they will save you from consuming unnecessary calories throughout the day.

Here we are telling you about three easy and healthy ways to use eggs to make your breakfast more delicious. We have excluded the usual boiled eggs and greasy fatty omelets from the list.

fried eggs

Scrambled eggs usually require a lot of ghee or butter to cook, but there is also a healthy way you can make them completely oil-free.

Pour water with 2-3 tablespoons of milk in a pan. Crack an egg into it and beat it until it becomes creamy. Add some salt and pepper. To enhance the taste and protein content, you can also grate some cheese in it. The mixture can be eaten as is or placed inside a multigrain or brown bread as a filling for sandwiches.

fried eggs

Regular boiled eggs, though super healthy, can be quite boring at times. Deviled eggs are a great way to add some twist to your already hard-boiled eggs.

Bring your eggs to a hard boil, which basically means you should let them cook a little longer than usual so that the egg whites and yolk settle. Once done, cut the egg in half and scoop out the yolk. Mash the yolk and add your favorite spices along with salt (cayenne pepper, oregano, black pepper). You can also add cheese, mayonnaise and mustard sauce to it. Pour this mixture back into the egg whites and serve it garnished with spring onions.

poached eggs

One of the easiest ways to prepare eggs is to just bake them. You will neither compromise on health nor with taste.

Take a bowl which is oven safe and crack 2-3 eggs in it. It’s up to you whether you want to shred them or not. Add some vegetables of your choice to the eggs. Capsicum, Tomato, Onion, Broccoli, Mushroom are some popular choices. Sprinkle your favorite spices and let it bake for 5-10 minutes. The result will be a lovely surprise for your taste buds.

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