3 Natural Healers Available in Your Kitchen: Here’s How to Use Them

People often experience joint pain, swelling and gastral problems, regardless of their age. Therefore, it is important to take care of your immune system to protect yourself from such troubles.

Making some lifestyle changes is the first step that you can take to give your body enough strength to fight any disease. To do this, you can consume some superfoods that you can easily find in your kitchen.

You use them in your daily life without knowing the store of benefits they provide.

Recently, Dr Diksa Bhavsar put out a post on her Instagram space in which she talked about three natural healers that can help protect you from many health problems.

Dried Ginger:
If you have joint pain or you are suffering from stomach ache, abdominal pain, bloating and menstrual cramps, then dry ginger can give you some relief.

According to Diksa Bhavsar, it can be used “as a tea (ginger boiled in water), mixed with milk or used as a concoction for immunity, cold and cough (1 tsp ginger powder 1 tsp turmeric) And mixed with honey works best for respiratory ailments as well as immunity).”

Desi Cow Ghee:
Ghee is said to improve physical and mental health. According to Dr Dixha, apart from consuming it, you can also use it as an ointment on the skin, hair, wounds and nasal drops. She said in her post, “It is cooling in nature, sweet in taste, mitigating Vata and Pitta and considered auspicious.” He further mentioned its benefits: improves digestion, strengthens muscles, improves voice and memory, and boosts immunity.

Consumption of mint tea helps with bad mood, upset stomach, cold and lack of energy. To use it, all you have to do is boil 7-10 mint leaves in water for five minutes, filter the mixture and then consume it on an empty stomach in the morning.

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