3 Nutritionist-Recommended Health Benefits of Kiwis

Known for its vibrant green color and refreshing taste, kiwi is a superfruit that is loved by many. It is commonly used to make fruit saladCurd parfaits, desserts, juices and more, and makes a delicious and healthy addition to countless dishes. It might look small, but don’t go by its size. In addition to its distinctive taste and color, this small tropical fruit is packed with many health benefits. While we all know that kiwi is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, did you know that it has many other interesting health benefits as well? Also known as Kiwifruit or Chinese KaroundaKiwi is a miracle fruit. Here we bring you some expert-recommended benefits of kiwis to keep in mind. These tips are given by celebrity nutritionist Lavneet Batra.

She took to her Instagram handle to inform us about the health benefits of kiwi. His post read, “Known for its vibrant color and refreshing taste, kiwi is a fruit loved by many. Although this tropical fruit is small, its health benefits are powerful.” Let’s check them out:

Read also: Benefits of Kiwi Fruit: From Powerhouse of Antioxidants to Sleeping

Here are 3 expert-suggested health benefits of kiwis:

1. Enhances Digestive Health
Kiwifruits contain good amounts of the proteolytic enzyme actinidin, a protein-dissolving enzyme that improves the digestion of proteins and can help digest food, like the papain in papayas or bromelain in pineapples. It facilitates smooth traffic through the digestive system.

2. Natural Sleep Aid
Kiwifruit is a source of serotonin, which helps promote better sleep. Consuming kiwi can also help improve sleep onset and reduce wake time after onset. Consumption of kiwi also provides relief from sleep disturbances. Kiwi rind is a powerful ingredient for the development of natural sleeping aids.

3. For Bone Health
Folate, magnesium and vitamin E are all good sources of kiwifruit, which provide health benefits such as bone building. Vitamin K also has a potential role in bone mass formation by promoting autotrophic activity in bone.

Now that you know about the various health benefits of kiwi, we hope you add this superfruit to your diet and make some delicious kiwi recipes for yourself. We also bring you some of our favorite kiwi recipes. click here to know more.

Disclaimer: This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.