3 Yoga Poses for Neck and Shoulders – Try These to Relieve Pain

In today’s gadget-dominated world, when we spend a major part of our waking hours with digital gadgets like smartphones, computers and tablets, our health certainly takes a hit. A recent research claims that people use their smartphones for an average of 4 hours every day – that’s over 1,300 hours of smartphone use in a year. Prolonged sitting and unhealthy exercises can lead to poor posture and stiffness in the neck and shoulder areas. “To combat this, it is recommended to do yoga and stretching regularly in the morning. This can help with problems such as discomfort or stiffness in the shoulders and neck. Use these yoga methods and do them at least three times a week. Include Bar,” share the Himalayan Siddha Akshara. An acclaimed yoga guru, spiritual master, lifestyle coach, philanthropist and author.

Yoga asanas for neck and shoulder pain

Himalayan Siddha Akshar tells us about 3 yoga asanas for neck pain. First, you need to start with some warm-up.

yogic warm-up

You should start your practice with subtle exercises or other subtle exercises. While practicing yoga, you should warm up by slowly rotating your hips, arms, wrists, head and neck as well as activate your ankles to gradually warm up the joints. Walk quickly around the area to stretch and relax your muscles. By doing so, you will prepare your body for the exercise and reduce your risk of injury. Make sure your body is completely warmed up before doing any pose that requires you to arch your back, such as Camel pose and Snake pose.

Marjari Asana or Bird Dog Pose

This yoga pose is ideal for increasing transverse abdominal and back strength.

How to do: Kneeling on all fours, (use a double mat for better cushioning and knee protection) extend one arm forward and the other leg back. Hold for a breath, then switch sides. Repeat 5 times on each side.


  • Good for abdominals and back support.
  • Improves spine health
  • Keeps the brain young and concentrates the mind
  • Strengthens and increases flexibility of the spine
  • Improves blood circulation in your body and purifies the blood

Ustrasana or Camel pose

How To: Kneel gently on a yoga mat or use any soft surface. Keep your hands on the hips. And now slowly start arching your back. Slide your palms over your ankles until the arms are straight. Avoid any strain on your neck. Keeping it in neutral position may make this possible. Exhale and take your time to come back to the starting position.


  • Strengthens and increases flexibility of the spine
  • Helps to expand the lungs to take in more oxygen which is beneficial, especially for people with asthma

camel pose

Sarpasana or snake pose

How To: Lie flat on your stomach. Interlock your palms behind your back. Take a deep breath in and hold your breath (this is known as kumbhaka). Raise your head, shoulders and chest as high as possible. Keep your feet down firmly on the ground. Hold the asana for 10 seconds. Exhale and relax.


  • Along with physical benefits it also gives you mental benefits like clarity of thoughts and mental peace
  • It helps to build your stamina and strength

snake pose

As Himalayan Siddha Akshar explains, “The amount of stress that has become bottled up can be a major contributing factor to stiffness in the neck, shoulders, and back. The stored nervous energy that is present in the neck and shoulder area, while You may be in a lot of pain because of stress. You can relax your muscles with the help of gentle yoga poses, breathing techniques, and meditation. Spend a few minutes each day and notice how your stress levels change.”

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