33 lakh job in Nagpur student advertisement, advertisement to advertisement…

symbolic photo.

Vedanta Devkate (Vedanta Devkate) of Nagpur (Nagpur) of Maharashtra has made Maharashtra and the country proud. There is a change webapplication from this type of ex-tagged corporation. The number of the code in the date twice is 2,066. There are over 1,000 huge in this group (coding competition).

this also further

The employee with poor results on the competition took up a job costing 33 lakhs. Although New New Ad Advertising Company will be in the same position even after the establishment of the company. The Times of India has given this news.

The rebellious speechless Nalas, Narhaman Ayyarhethu Kyorah Kyorah Kyur Class 10 student Vedas will be asked to stay modest, for brief instruction in the form of advertisements and then for dialogue. “We are impressed by our experience, professionalism and approach,” the company wrote to Vedanta.

Do a self-trodden coder. His parents’ PC was used and honored. “Slow” and “Dated” participating in more than two plus online portals on Pap. Unthan your kanak ins ins ins kayramak r p r p r p r patrasa vijthamauta vijthamatak kayradaur tayr tair tair tayr tayr tayr in that r in that

The doctor’s parents and Ashwini Devkate are a staff professor in Nagpur. Accurate about his phone details, Devkate said, “Learn there is no information. What is this proposal about?” Devakate said he would help Vedas identify himself and other details in the company.

Seeing Vedant’s talent and the success achieved in the competition, his parents plan to gift him a new laptop soon for coding.