4 Best Natural Food Sources of Vitamin C – Nutritionist Namami Agarwal Recommends

The importance of vitamin C cannot be underestimated. It is an essential nutrient that helps in maintaining overall health and nourishes us from within. It is not only a great antioxidant, but also helps in maintaining healthy digestion and metabolism. Additionally, vitamin C helps with collagen production, promoting healthy and glowing skin. Above all, since the pandemic began, the role of vitamin C in strengthening the immune system has been largely advocated. A researcher from the University of Otago claimed that vitamin C can also help treat patients with severe coronavirus cases. The findings were published in the journal Nutrients.

According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Dutta, “Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and has many functions within our body. However, it should also be remembered that water-soluble vitamins are carried to the body’s tissues but not in the body. Doesn’t accumulate. This is why it becomes even more important to regularly get loads of vitamin C.” While there are many vitamin C supplements available in the market, experts suggest adding the nutrient in the form of food to enjoy the benefits over the long term.

Keeping this in mind, we have found some natural food sources for you which are easily available and will give you enough quantity. vitamin C, Celebrity nutritionist Namami Agarwal shared these everyday natural food sources of vitamin C on her Instagram. Let’s take a look:

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4 Nutritionist-Approved Natural Food Sources of Vitamin C:

1. Orange and Sweet Lime:

Both these fruits are known to be great food sources of vitamin C. According to the USDA, 100 grams of oranges contain 53 milligrams of vitamin C; Whereas, a lime that is two inches in diameter is known to provide 32 percent of a person’s recommended daily vitamin C intake. However, Namami Agarwal suggests, “Don’t juice these fruits. Consume them to get the most out of these fruits.”

2. Kiwi:

One small kiwi provides 60mg of ascorbic acid, say nutritionists. This means that eating just one kiwi a day can help maintain our essential vitamin C levels.

3. Green Chillies:

According to Namami Agarwal, green chilies contain 109mg of vitamin C. So next time think before you throw that chili off your plate; Because half a green chili can provide your body with a sufficient amount of vitamin C.

4. Strawberries:

We just love red, juicy strawberries; not us? But did you know that they have more than just good taste?! Namami Agarwal suggests that just one bowl of strawberries provides 98mg of vitamin C.

Watch the full video here:

Read also: 5 Home Remedies for Vitamin C Deficiency (Inside Recipe)

About Somdutt SahuInvestigator- Somdutt likes to call this himself. In terms of food, people or places, she craves only to know the unknown. A simple aglio oleo pasta or dal-chawal and a good movie can make his day.
