4 Simple Techniques With Peacock Feathers To Avoid Financial Crisis This Janmashtami – News18

Lord Krishna is fond of peacock feathers, which adorn his crown.

If your house has any structural defects, it is advisable to bring peacock feathers into your home.

Krishna Janmashtami, the joyous celebration of Lord Krishna’s birth, is fast approaching this year. While households prepare to observe it on September 6, 2023, Vaishnav sect followers will commemorate it on September 7. Lord Krishna, known for his enchanting allure and divine wisdom, is often depicted wearing a crown adorned with peacock feathers.

This sacred day offers a unique opportunity to seek blessings and address various life challenges with the guidance of astrologer and Vastu consultant Pandit Hitendra Kumar Sharma from Bhopal, who shares insights into four remedies involving peacock feathers.

Astrological Solution for Financial Woes

If persistent financial struggles weigh you down, astrology recommends a simple yet potent remedy. Acquire five peacock feathers and offer them in worship to Lord Krishna on Janmashtami. These feathers, charged with divine energy, should then be placed in the same spot for 21 consecutive days. On the 21st day, transfer them to your safe or the area where you keep your finances. This practice is believed to usher blessings into your home, potentially opening new avenues for prosperity and abundance.

Vastu Shastra’s Solution for Structural Defects

Vastu Shastra emphasizes the significance of your home’s structural harmony. If your house suffers from structural defects or imbalances, Janmashtami offers a solution. Alongside your worship of Lord Krishna, also venerate the peacock feather and position it in the eastern direction of your home. This practice is thought to rectify Vastu defects, bringing harmony and balance to your living space.

Harmonizing Marital Relationships

For those grappling with tension and unnecessary disputes in their marital life, a remedy involving peacock feathers can be immensely beneficial. Place peacock feathers in your bedroom, preferably on the east or north wall, during Janmashtami. This practice is believed to alleviate various issues in married life, fostering a sweeter and more harmonious relationship between spouses.

Mitigating Rahu and Ketu’s Negative Influence

If your horoscope is afflicted by the malefic influence of Rahu and Ketu, Janmashtami provides an opportunity for relief. To counteract their negative effects, place peacock feathers on the west wall of your bedroom during this auspicious day. This remedy is believed to dispel negative energy, neutralize malefic planetary influences, and usher in positive benefits.