5 Coffee Maker Alternatives to Making Coffee in Less Time

If you’re a coffee lover like us, you know that a good cup of coffee can really make your day! It doesn’t matter how you like your coffee – with or without cream – it gives you the needed boost of energy to survive your day. But making coffee can be time-consuming, especially when we’re running late for the day. This is where a coffee maker comes to our rescue. Now you can make delicious, cafe-style coffee from the comfort of your own home. This appliance will be an excellent addition to your kitchen and so we will help you choose the right one for you.

Here are 5 coffee makers to choose from:

1.Amazon Basic Coffee Maker

The AmazonBasic Coffee Maker can brew up to 5 cups at a time. The high quality coffee maker is aesthetically designed and will look stylish in your kitchen. It has a reusable filter and a removable filter basket.

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2.Chroma Drip Coffee Maker

Croma’s coffee maker features a borosilicate glass carafe with a water level mark that brews coffee for up to 8 minutes. You can drink 5 cups of coffee at a time. The temperature control function can keep the coffee hot for 40 minutes after brewing.

3.Black & Decker Coffee Maker

The Black & Decker Coffee Maker is suitable for large groups as it can prepare 12 cups of coffee at a time. It comes with electronic controls that offer 4 functional options. The coffee maker comes with a versatile digital display

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4. Havells Coffee Maker

The Havells Coffee Maker has a sturdy and durable base plate that keeps the coffee hot and ready to drink. It has automated technology and does not require any assistance. It also comes with a water level indicator that can tell you when it needs a water refill.

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5.Cafe JEI French Press Coffee Maker

Cafe JEI’s French press coffee maker uses double steel screen filters on a plunger supported by a spring-loaded base plate to seal the edges. The coffee maker is made of high quality stainless steel and heat resistant borosilicate. The handle is sturdy and is made of high grade heat resistant material.

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