5 common antioxidant-rich foods that promote a healthy heart and boost immunity

All essential nutrients play a role in maintaining our health. If fiber is good for digestion, protein induces satiety and carbs give us energy. One feature of foods that we often overlook is antioxidants. You must know that antioxidant-rich foods also help build our health in so many ways that they should be an essential part of your diet. An antioxidant is a compound that protects cells from damage caused by oxidants (or free radicals). The body produces oxidants to fight disease, but when ingested in large amounts, they can attack cells and increase the risk of heart problems. Therefore, apart from helping strengthen our immunity, antioxidants are also important for healthy heart health. Now that we have enough reasons to enrich our diet with antioxidants, let’s take a look at some of the most common Antioxidant Foods You can include in your diet.

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Here are 5 antioxidant-rich foods for good heart health and immunity:

1. Kidney Beans

There are many types of beans – red beans, black Beans, pinto beans and so on. These are also excellent sources of all antioxidants and proteins. Because beans are low in cholesterol and fast, they make an idea food for your heart-friendly diet.

Kidney beans are a good source of iron, phosphorus and potassium.

2. Walnuts

Every cardiologist suggests having Walnut Every day. This is because they are low in cholesterol and sodium but high in a type of antioxidant called polyphenol. Experts recommend eating about 30 grams of nuts every day and should always include 1-2 walnuts.


Walnuts are rich in heart-healthy fats.

3. Dark Chocolate

This one is for all the chocolate lovers. Do you know dark chocolate Considered good for heart health and immunity? A study conducted by Harvard researchers claims that chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa is good for your heart, mind and overall physical health. Of course, moderation is key to reaping its benefits.

Read also: 5 Easy and Healthy Dark Chocolate Recipes You Must Try


Dark chocolate is made from cacao seeds.

4. Barley

Traditional whole grains are making a comeback in the modern diet as their benefits are now being realized. barley Buckwheat is a grain that offers immense health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants. But people avoid grains because of being heavy on the stomach. A great way to consume it is in its soaked sprout form. This process also increases its antioxidant level.

5. Berries

blue berriesStrawberries, strawberries and raspberries – all are packed with important vitamins and minerals, which protect cells from free radical damage and reduce the risk of inflammation. Jamun also contains phytochemicals that are known to promote heart health.

Choose these antioxidant-rich foods today to live a healthy life with good immunity.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.

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