5 Delicious Coffee Recipes to Cool Yourself This Summer

Morning is incomplete without a cup of coffee; It is needed for the boost of energy that wakes us up and energizes us for the rest of the day. Coffee is not just a simple drink; Coffee lovers around the world can agree that drinking a cup of joe is a ritual that people live by! Now, coffee has become an essential flavor to accompany desserts and drinks, giving a delicious twist to some of the most popular dishes! But the key to enjoying this coffee is to find the right recipe for our taste buds. Some coffee recipes can be strong, some can be creamy, some can be hot and some can be cold! As the seasons change and the weather warms up, we all turn to enjoying cold drinks and sweets that can help keep the heat away. That’s why we’ve shortlisted five coffee recipes to cool you down this summer!

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5 coffee-based recipes to cool yourself down this summer:

1. Cold Coffee

The ultimate summer cooler for coffee lovers, this frothy and creamy delight is the perfect drink to enjoy when you’re feeling hot! A classic cold coffee is cold, refreshing and has the perfect kick of coffee. All you need are a few ingredients and a blender to prepare this sumptuous drink.

Click here for the full recipe for Cold Coffee.

2. Iced Coffee

Another popular caffeinated beverage, iced coffee is similar to ordinary coffee, but with ice. You can also top it with layers of flavorings such as rum, nutmeg and ice cream to give this drink a refreshing taste.

Click here for the full recipe for Iced Coffee.

3.Mint Coffee

Can there be anything more refreshing than a freshly brewed coffee with a hint of mint? Here is how you can easily make mint coffee at home. Just a few ingredients with a few minutes and you’ll be in for a great coffee experience.

Click Here for the Full Recipe for Mint Coffee

cold enough

4.Mocha Cooler

If you are a big fan of chocolates, then this mocha cooler is perfect for you. This cold coffee drink is completely chocolate-like, giving it the taste of both cold coffee and chocolate shake.

Click here for the full recipe for Mocha Cooler.

5. Spicy Coffee Kulfi

Who doesn’t like to eat kulfi in summers? Sweet kulfi gets a caffeine kick with this Spicy Coffee Kulfi recipe. With basic ingredients, you can easily whip up this fusion dessert for a cold treat!

Click here for the complete Spiced Coffee Kulfi recipe.

Try these coffee-based recipes and let us know in the comments section which one is your go-to summer treat!