5 Delicious Sandwiches You Can Make With a Jar of Mayonnaise

When we wake up, the first thing that comes to our mind is breakfast. We want to start our day on a delicious note, but at the same time, we want to eat without any hassles that is easy to make and takes less time to prepare. This is where sandwiches come to our rescue! With just a few ingredients, we can easily prepare a delicious sandwich. And, if we have a jar of mayonnaise in our fridge, we have tons of options to make for breakfast! Let’s use that jar of mayonnaise to make some delicious sandwiches for a mouth-watering breakfast.

(Also read: 5 Delicious Grilled Sandwich Recipes That Are Made in No Time,

5 Delicious Sandwiches You Can Make With a Jar of Mayonnaise

1. Egg Mayo Sandwich

With a few simple steps, you can easily whip up this protein-rich sandwich. Egg mayo sandwich is very easy to make. You make a filling of boiled eggs, mayonnaise and seasonings and place inside toasted bread. This recipe uses boiled eggs as the main ingredient, but you can use scrambled eggs as well.

For the full Egg Mayo Sandwich recipe, click here.

Egg and mayonnaise make a great combination in a sandwich.

2.Chicken Mayo Sandwich

Filled with creamy and cheesy mayonnaise with roasted chicken chunks and crunchy vegetables (optional) – the chicken mayo sandwich is indulgent in every bite. We already hear you slapping!

For the full recipe for Chicken Mayo Sandwich, click here.

3.Submarine Mayo Sandwich

One of the major reasons we are so enamored of Subway sandwiches is because of the shape of the sandwich. Because of its shape it was called the submarine sandwich. It is also known as Hogie, Po’boy Sandwich and Italian Sandwich.

For the full recipe for the Submarine Mayo Sandwich, click here.

4. Cheese Mayo Sandwich

If you are under pressure for time but still want a delicious breakfast, then here we bring you another entry in the list of sandwiches, the cheese sandwich. Slices of bread stuffed with mayonnaise, cheese slices and lettuce, seasoned with salt and pepper.

Click here for the full Cheese Mayo Sandwich recipe.

5.Chicken Club Sandwich

Layered and Healthy – This sandwich recipe is a must for a delicious and filling breakfast. To make this, you need bread, butter, egg, mustard sauce, mayonnaise, lettuce, cheese slices, boiled chicken and chopped tomatoes.

For the full recipe for Chicken Club Sandwiches, click here.

club sandwich 625

Club sandwiches with mayonnaise are satiating and healthy.

Try these delicious mayonnaise sandwiches and let us know which one is your favorite in the comments section