5 easy and quick tips to save you from cooking disasters

Cooking is an art, and it can seem difficult to make it perfect every time. In addition to skills and processes, cooking also depends on the level of experience. Sometimes, even after years of experience, there are instances when you end up spoiling the dish. Even the most famous chefs make mistakes, but they are also adept at saving their food.

Adding another teaspoon of red pepper flakes at times can ruin your meal, but a wise cook will always have a few clever tricks up his sleeve.

If you know what to do, fixing the mistake will not be difficult. To keep your meals from turning into a cooking disaster, keep these simple tips and quick tips with you.

more spicy food
Probably one of the most frequent mistakes made when using cayenne pepper. You can add cream, yogurt or milk to your dish if the seasoning has become too hot. The best diuretic for very spicy foods is dairy. Capsaicin, the compound that gives peppers their characteristic hot taste, is present in them. On the other hand, casein, found in milk and dairy products, forms a link with capsaicin and reduces the effects of chili.

too salty food
The amount of salt in food can make or break a relationship, and too much salt is the ultimate deal breaker. The classic fix for a curry or stew that’s saltier than you might imagine is to add cubed potatoes. The potato starch acts like a sponge to absorb all the excess salt. Alternatively, you can increase the number of ingredients in the stew, such as rice, pasta, or vegetables, to help spread the workload. Depending on how much salt is in the food, sometimes even a small touch of vinegar or sugar can help balance the salt.

over-ripe vegetables
Sometimes we over-cook our vegetables that they become soft and wet. Is there any way to fix this culinary disaster? Vegetables and leafy vegetables often lose their crunch even during the simmering or simmering process. This can be quickly fixed by boiling vegetables in salted water instead of cold water. Another trick is to immediately put the cooked vegetables in a bowl of ice water.

more greasy curry
No one enjoys their curries and sauces, over which a heavy layer of oil floats. In addition to being harmful, it also makes the food unsuitable. Here’s a quick repair that’s simple and useful. Add some ice cubes to the curry and mix. However, you must act quickly to complete this remedy. They must be taken out before the cubes melt. Ice cubes can optionally be placed in a towel and placed in the sauce. You’ll notice that the grease is accumulating around the fabric and it’s easy to remove later. Take care to reheat the food once and adjust it with seasonings.

prevent eggs from sticking
Is your omelet stuck to the pan? Then try this genius tip for cooking eggs without using any oil: Simply pour a little oil onto tissue paper and brush your pan.

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