5 foods that will help prepare you for winter and prevent diseases

Winter has finally arrived, and it’s that time of year when our immune systems are extremely vulnerable. Winter certainly has a lot of benefits, they also come with the risk of infections like cold, flu and fever. To prevent cold, it is important that you eat a balanced diet. Doing so ensures that your immune system is strong enough to defend against diseases.

We have compiled a list of some superfoods to help you strengthen your immune system.


Ginger is a powerhouse of anti-inflammatory properties that boost one’s immune system. This makes it easier for us to remove bacteria and viruses. This will surely make it easier for you to deal with any ailment during the colder months.


Almonds contain a whole host of nutrients like magnesium, protein, riboflavin and zinc. They are abundant in vitamin E, which supports immune function. Additionally, vitamin E is known to protect a person from infections caused by viruses and bacteria.

basil leaves

Basil leaves have many benefits including strengthening the immune system. They revitalize one’s respiratory system and also clean our lungs.


Turmeric is famous for its healing properties. It is a magical ingredient that can be found in every kitchen. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties. If you want to stay healthy this winter, make sure to include it in your daily diet. Apart from increasing immunity, it can also provide relief from problems like sore throat.


Garlic is rich in nutrients. It is a powerhouse of vitamin C, B vitamins, zinc and folate. Garlic has antiviral, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial properties. Apart from strengthening immunity, they also protect against cold and cough, which are two of the most common ailments during winters.

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