5 Fruits and Vegetables You Should Never Store Together

The right way to store food is something that we often overlook. And this can have a significant impact on the quality, shelf life and nutritional value of the food. The same is true when it comes to storing fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables can continue to ripen and spoil even after they have been harvested. That’s why it’s important to store them properly to slow down the ripening process and prevent spoilage. We can help reduce the risk of many foodborne illnesses by paying attention to how we store our fruits and vegetables. Keeping this in mind, here we have compiled a list of some fruits and vegetables that you should never store together in order to increase their shelf life.

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Which fruits and vegetables should not be stored together?

Many studies show that fruits and vegetables that produce high amounts of ethylene gases should never be stored together. Ethylene gas can hasten the ripening process and cause spoilage.

Here are 5 fruits and vegetables you shouldn’t store together:

1. Onion and Potato

Onions release ethylene gas, which can cause potatoes to sprout and spoil. On the other hand, potatoes release moisture, which can make onions moldy. To keep them fresh for as long as possible, it’s best to store them separately.

2. Cucumber and Tomato

Cucumbers and tomatoes should not be kept together as they can affect the ripening process of each other. The moisture released by cucumbers can cause tomatoes to rot faster. Tomatoes should be stored at room temperature, while cucumbers should be stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.


3. Apple and Carrot

Apples also release ethylene gas, which can cause carrots to ripen quickly and spoil. This can cause the carrots to become limp and lose their crisp texture. You can store both of these in the fridge, but make sure to keep them in separate drawers or containers.

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4. Peaches and Bananas

Peaches should never be stored with bananas because the ethylene released from bananas causes peaches to ripen faster than normal. It is best to keep them in separate containers or bags to reduce the exposure of peaches to ethylene gas.

5. Blueberries and Strawberries

Blueberries are more delicate than strawberries and can be bruised or bruised more easily. When stored together, the weight of the strawberries can crush the blueberries, causing them to spoil more quickly. Blueberries can become soft, soggy or moldy as a result of the ethylene gas released by strawberries.


So, the next time you are confused about where to store your fruits and vegetables, keep these tips in mind!

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