5 habits to get healthy skin

Skin is the primary defense system of our body. It acts as a natural filter between us and the environment. Healthy skin is essential for a healthy life. And the secret to healthy-looking skin is much more than a twice a day multi-step skincare routine. With simple and consistent habits, you too can unlock a youthful appearance.

Read on to discover 5 habits that can leave you with skin that rivals an airbrush makeup commercial:

Sun protection
One of the simplest habits that most people often overlook is protecting your skin from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Age spots, wrinkles, premature aging of the skin and even skin cancer can be caused by exposing your skin to sunlight. Invest in broad-spectrum sunscreen and reapply every two hours, even if it’s cloudy outside.


Invest in a satin pillowcase
Satin pillows can help reduce skin stretch and wrinkles that lead to sleepiness. If you have a problem with acne, it’s even more reason to invest in pillows with smooth textures. Less friction reduces skin and hair problems.

bath time ritual
Sitting in the shower for hours isn’t going to get you any more cleaning than investing for 10-20 minutes. Always use warm water and mild soap. Instead of rubbing your skin, pat it dry. Finally, lock in the moisture by applying moisturizer within 3 minutes of getting out of the shower.

maintain a healthy diet
Foods rich in skin-boosting nutrients should be in your diet when you are aiming for healthy skin. Tropical fruits, rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, green vegetables, yogurt, and plenty of fluids should be included in a well-balanced diet.

avoid smoking
Smoking damages your skin’s collagen and elastin, making it look older and promoting wrinkles. The narrowed blood vessels reduce the flow of oxygen, affecting not only the health of your skin but your overall health.

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