5 healthy ways to include coconut meat in your diet

What comes to your mind when we say coconut water? The most common answer would be ‘hydration’. A cool and soothing glass of coconut water refreshes us at any time of the day. The best part is that you will find street vendors selling coconut water in every nook and corner of the country. Many times, we drink coconut water directly from the shell and eventually the creamy pulp. The ‘malai’, as we call it, is sweet, crunchy and gives a perfect end to a coconut water drinking session. However, many people ignore cream as it is considered to be high in fat. According to health expert Nmami Agarwal, one should not avoid eating sour cream as it is loaded with many healthy nutrients. He also highlighted some of the major reasons to include coconut meat in our daily diet. let’s take a look.

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Here are 5 health benefits of coconut meat:

1. Rich in Healthy Fats:

Coconut meat is full of MCTs – a healthy fat that gets you coconut oil, In abundance. This further helps promote weight loss, digestion, metabolism, energy and overall health.

2. Manage Blood Sugar Levels:

Coconut meat is low in carb and is a potent source of antioxidants. In addition, coconut meat is also packed with fiber and healthy fats. All of these come together to contribute to balanced blood sugar levels in the body.

3. Contains polyphenols:

Coconut meat contains polyphenols. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent inflammation and free radical damage in the body. Polyphenols also help in managing heart health, diabetes and many other lifestyle related diseases.

4. Ideal for Dieters:

Thanks to the rich nutrient content, coconut meat is considered great for people on diets. According to Nmami Agarwal, “It’s a great option for those on a low-carb, paleo, gluten-free and nut-free diet”.

5. High Nutrition:

Nmami Agarwal says, “Coconut cream provides highly valuable nutrients. But it also contains moderate amounts of saturated fat. Hence, it is best to enjoy coconut cream in moderation.”

Now that you are well aware of the goodness of coconut cream, we suggest, include it in your diet and enjoy its taste and benefits to the fullest. But, before jumping into the recipes, let us find out how to crack a coconut.

Here’s how to break a coconut in 5 easy steps:

  • Break the coconut into two parts.
  • Keeping the hard shells on the flame, place each half on the gas stove.
  • When the peel becomes almost black, turn off the gas.
  • Take some cold water in a bowl and keep coconut in it.
  • Then slowly separate the hard shell from the coconut meat.

Read also: What is the best time to drink coconut water?

Here are 5 healthy ways to incorporate coconut meat into your diet:

1. Have It Raw:

We love the crunchy texture of coconut meat. So, we suggest, you can either munch on it as a snack or mix it with puffed rice to make a light meal. You can also cut the coconut flesh into small pieces and garnish your food.

2. Add to Shakes and Smoothies:

You can always enhance the taste and texture of your healthy smoothies and shakes with a topping of freshly grated coconut. We also like to add a few pieces of coconut flesh to the blender while making the drink.

3. Prepare the Sweets:

We love coconut laddoos. don’t we? Add some nuts and makhana and grated coconut in the pan, mix with jaggery and prepare laddoos or burfis as per your choice. is here coconut laddoos recipe for you.

4. Prepare the Chutney:

We cannot imagine dosa without coconut chutney. Can we? Coconut chutney made with coconut cream, sesame seeds and spices is a great dish to include in your diet. click here For the Coconut Chutney recipe.

5. Make Coconut Milk:

Coconut milk is used to make a variety of dishes. Also it is ideal for those who avoid dairy in their diet. Coconut milk is healthy, nutritious and can be easily prepared with some coconut cream. click here Learn how to make coconut milk at home.

Try each of these recipes and incorporate some of the goodness of coconut cream into your daily diet.

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