5 Reasons To Eat Dosa For Breakfast – Try This Healthy Sorghum Dosa Recipe

Dosa has its own fan base. Although the dish finds its roots in the South Indian kitchen, its popularity transcends boundaries. Today, a hearty plate of dosa is relished by people all over India (and abroad) alike. So much so that you will find at least one South Indian joint in every nook and corner of the country. Not only this, dosa is also widely prepared in every Indian kitchen. It is quick and easy to make and makes a wholesome snack when served with chutney and sambar. A classic dosa is made from a batter of fermented rice flour and lentils. but if you explore, you will find many unique variations to the recipe. While some of these versions are decadent and greasy, some remain super healthy for dieters. One such super healthy dosa that has won our hearts is Sorghum Dosa (or Jowar Dosa). Apart from being crispy, jowar dosa is also a great meal option to start your day.

Read also: Ragi Dosa, Rava Dosa and more: Make these 5 dosas in 30 minutes

Why is Jowar Dosa a popular breakfast dish? 5 reasons to eat jowar dosa for breakfast:

By now, we all know how important it is to start our day with healthy and nutritious food. It not only fills you with energy but also helps you to last throughout the day. And one portion of Jowar Dosa does it all. According to clinical nutritionist Rupali Dutta, “Fodder It is the fifth most important grain in the world. It is gluten-free and has ample amounts of fiber, protein, antioxidants, and more. Let us learn about some of the major benefits of Jowar Dosa.

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Here are 5 health benefits of Sorghum Dosa:

1. Promote Weight Loss:

Jowar is a storehouse of fiber which helps keep you full for longer. Dietary fiber also helps boost digestion and metabolism, making the dish ideal for promoting weight loss.

2. Improves Gut-Health:

According to health experts, it is important to consume fiber rich food in the morning. A good amount of fiber helps improve metabolism and promote a healthy gut.

3. Manage Diabetes:

The low glycemic index of jowar makes dosa an idea to include in a diabetic diet. It is also rich in protein and fiber and helps manage blood pressure in the body.

4. Flush Out Toxins:

Sorghum is a good source of various phytochemicals such as tannins, phenolic acids, anthocyanins, phytosterols and policosanol. These antioxidants are known to be important for scavenging free radicals that cause inflammation in the body. Hence, it can be inferred that jowar dosa can be good for boosting immunity.

5. Gluten Free:

For those who suffer from gluten intolerance, gluten allergy or suffer from celiac disease, sorghum is a great alternative to wheat. Hence, jowar dosa can also be considered an excellent option for those who suffer from ‘gluten intolerance’.

Read also: Bottle gourd dosa, sprouts dosa and more: 5 instant dosa recipes for a delicious South Indian spread

jowar dosa recipe | How to make Sorghum Dosa:

To make this dish, you have to prepare a solution of jowar flour, rice flour, cumin, asafoetida, salt and black pepper and dry and mix all the ingredients. Then add water and prepare a thin batter.

Now heat a griddle and pour a spoon full of batter in it. spread evenly. When one side turns light brown, add some oil. Flip over and cook on the other side.

Serve hot with chutney of your choice. click here for detailed recipe.

Try this Sorghum Dosa recipe at home and start your day with a boost of nutrition. For more such healthy dosa recipes, click here,

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