5 Reasons Why Eggs Are The Ultimate Meal Choice

The decision to include boiled eggs in the mid-day meal for children in some schools in Karnataka was not welcomed by a section of the society. However, eggs have many benefits. Let us take a look at why eggs should be the last option when it comes to promoting our physical and mental development, especially in children.

With six grams of protein, five grams of healthy fat, boiled eggs are rich in all kinds of nutrients. Vitamins A, B5, B12 and B2 are all found in significant amounts in an egg. Hence, it facilitates the development of the brain and increases the energy in the human body.

Eggs have always been the first choice for gym goers as they contain essential amino acids and proteins that support muscle growth and strengthen bones. Also a boiled egg can contain around 70 calories which keeps you full for a long time and helps those who are on weight loss diet.

Some of the many benefits of eggs are listed below:

keeps diseases away

Eggs are known to be rich in antioxidants among other nutrients that may help prevent certain eye diseases like cataracts and macular degeneration. Meanwhile, eggs can also help maintain heart health.

energy bar

Being rich in all nine essential amino acids, an egg can give the body a significant boost to help with its day-to-day functioning. The protein in eggs also serves as a steady source of energy and aids in physical activities.

facilitates mental development

According to experts, eggs contain a nutrient called choline which is essential in the production of acetylcholine which affects a particular part of our brain responsible for controlling stress levels and anxiety.

obesity prevention

People who are allergic to certain nuts, seeds and fish can include eggs in their diet which are rich in omega-3 and healthy fats. Due to these nutrients, eggs can be eaten at breakfast to stay full for longer and help maintain a healthy weight by avoiding heavy lunch.

essential vitamins

Vitamin D deficiency is clearly rampant in India and although doctors say morning sun is the cure, one can also rely on egg yolks, which if taken twice a day will give you vitamin D requirements. The daily recommended amount can be found.

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