5 refreshing summer drinks for weight loss (recipes inside)

As the temperature rises, it becomes essential to stay properly hydrated. While it may be tempting to reach for carbonated drinks and packaged juices, consuming too much of these beverages can put your health at risk. if you are on weight loss Diet, you need to be extra careful. High amounts of sugar and carbohydrates can get in the way of your fitness goals. So how can you stay well hydrated this season and still stick to your diet? Don’t worry! There are many drinks with natural ingredients that you can choose from. We have brought you a list of 5 such drinks that you can easily make at home. Check them out below.

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Here are 5 easy recipes for summer drinks for weight loss:

1. Cucumber Buttermilk

Buttermilk or buttermilk is one of the healthiest ways by which you can stay hydrated this summer. This refreshing drink is packed with nutrients that help you stay fresh, energetic and free from digestive issues. There are many ways to spice up buttermilk and give it your own twist. But if you want to lose weight, we recommend cucumber buttermilk. Adding cucumber to a drink is a great way to enhance its cooling as well as detoxifying properties. Cucumber is a great ingredient for weight loss due to its high water content and low calories. Click here Learn the method of making cucumber buttermilk.

Include buttermilk in your daily diet.

2. Jal jeera

You must have heard that cumin (cumin) water is often recommended for those weight loss Diet. Well, Jal Jeera is an improved version of Jeera water with more flavor and more benefits. An important ingredient of jal jeera is tamarind, which is low in fat and rich in fiber. Jal jeera also contains a variety of spices whose nutrients can help you on your weight loss journey. Also, jaggery has been used instead of sugar in this drink as a sweetener, which makes it even healthier. Need we say more? Click here For a step-by-step recipe of Jal Jeera.

3. Soul Link

Another traditional drink that you can opt for is Sol Kadi, which is a specialty of Konkan. This soul-soothing drink has a base of kokum and coconut, which gives it a wonderful flavour. It also contains ginger, coriander and chillies which give it an extra kick. Since kokum contains high amounts of fiber, it can help keep you satiated for longer. Apart from aiding in weight loss, this sol kadhi is also widely believed to help overcome digestive issues. Click here For full recipe.


Savor the delicious Soul Kadhi. photo credit: iStock

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4. Coconut water with sabja seeds

Coconut water is a favorite summer drink for many of us. This natural drink is almost unique in its benefits. If you are on a weight loss diet, we have a special tip. Add some soaked sabja seeds to your coconut water before consuming it. The flavor of these seeds is not strong, and hence you will not find the combination strange. But sabja seeds are packed with nutrients that can help you manage your weight and also keep you cool and energized. You can replace sabja seeds with chia seeds. Another drink you can try is Coconut Mint Cooler with Lemon and Honey. Click here for recipe

5. Watermelon Basil Cooler

would be wrong not to take advantage watermelon during this season. This low-calorie fruit has a high water content that keeps you hydrated and can also help you burn belly fat. Tulsi is known to boost metabolism and thus can help you with your weight loss goals. This cooler is made using sparkling water (soda), which can actually make you feel fuller and therefore reduce your cravings. However, if you replace plain soda with another flavored soda or aerated drink, you should check its sugar and sodium content before considering it on your weight loss diet. Click here For the full recipe of Watermelon Basil Cooler.

Beat the heat with these drinks and stay true to your fitness goals!

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