5 seasonal fruits of winter in India and their benefits

Winter Fruits: Winter fruits are rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that is important for maintaining body heat in cold weather and strengthening your immune system. Fruits that are in season are not only healthier to eat, but fresh fruits also taste better. Here are winter fruits that should be a part of your daily diet in winters:

1. Orange

They are often consumed because of the sweetness contained in oranges. They are a special kind of nutrient-dense, low-calorie citrus fruit. This fruit not only contains a lot of vitamin C, which is essential in winters, but also reduces the risk of developing cancer. Oranges support healthy, clear skin and may help reduce your chances of colds and flu.

2. Guava

Guava is a powerful immunity booster that can aid in the prevention of diabetes and cancer. It removes constipation and strengthens the heart. Guava helps in increasing eyesight and works to relieve stress.

3. Apple

During winters, most Indian households are likely to have apples. Apples contain antioxidants that boost brain function and reduce the chances of Alzheimer’s disease. This winter fruit also reduces the incidence of diabetes and thrombotic stroke.

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4. Dates

It is a very healthy fruit which greatly enhances the functions of the brain. Dates reduce the risk of getting diseases caused by bacteria. It has high antioxidant content and helps in bowel movement and dates mixed with warm milk can also be helpful for joint pain. Additionally, it stimulates labor.

5. Strawberry

You probably enjoy strawberries this time of year because they are a winter fruit and they are also good for your health. Due to their abundance of antioxidants, strawberries are healthy for the skin and can boost immunity to help you ward off common winter infections.

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Seasonal fruits help in our metabolism, digestion and general health. When making smoothies, be careful not to overmix fruits as this can cause them to lose their dietary fiber, which can aid digestion.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on general information and is not a substitute for expert advice. Zee News does not endorse it.)