5 Signs Your Dog Is Healthy and You’re a Good Pet Parent

Image source: Freepik Dogs don’t speak our language but they express through their body language

A dog is a man’s best friend and indeed having a pet around the house can change your life in unimaginable ways. Animals do not know how to speak the language of humans, but they express through their body language and gestures how they feel emotionally and physically. There are some signs that will indicate whether or not your dog is doing well. There are many treat giveaways that will tell you so. If these symptoms are missing, then you must get your pet checked by a veterinarian once.

a shiny, clean coat

Dogs that are happy and healthy have a shiny coat due to natural shedding. If your dog is frequently licking or scratching, it could be a sign of skin irritation or allergies.


Weight gain is a top concern among veterinarians. If your pet is underweight for months, this is a good sign that your dog is healthy. If not, it needs a check-up.

Is Your Dog Showing Interest?

Dogs are curious animals and if your pet responds when you call their name and address them directly it is a good sign. If your dog is spending a lot of time alone or is sleeping excessively, it could be a sign of a health problem.


Dog feces are an indicator of health issues. If the stool is hard and free of parasites, this is a good sign.

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eye contact

If your dog maintains eye contact with you, this is a good sign. Dogs also make eye contact with you as a way to check in and make sure you are feeling as happy as they are.

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