5 street foods from Nagpur that you can make at home

one of the largest cities in Maharashtra, Nagpur is on the bucket list of all travelers. From beautiful landscapes to rich history, food and more, there is so much to do in and around this city. When exploring new places, food is one of the most important elements to study and analyze the location. Enjoying food in Nagpur is not only about trying out high-end restaurants, but it also provides an exceptional opportunity to explore the wide variety of street food available at every nook and corner of the city. For example, Tari Poha is very popular Street food Recipe which is famous all over the world. Similarly, there are many other street foods of Nagpur which are worth trying. let’s get started!

Here is a list of 5 street foods in Nagpur that you all must try:

Tari Poha: Our Recommendation

Poha is made in many ways in India. Here we have brought an amazing change for you. It is prepared in the same way as you would make Indori-style Kanda Poha, except that it is finished with a serving of delicious Kala Chana Gravy also known as Tari. Tari Poha is an excellent mix of good carbs and proteins, which makes it a nutritious and filling breakfast for all. click here For the recipe of Tari Poha.

lick the ax

If you are a fan of chaat, then you will definitely enjoy Nagpuri Kulhad Chaat. Like matarchaat, it is made by stewing boiled white peas in a pool of spices and a spicy sauce. Find the complete recipe of Kulhad Chaat Here.


Nagpur-Style Bread Pakora Chaat

Here we bring you another chaat recipe that will make you swoon. With a crispy outer layer, with the filling inside, loaded with chutney, sev and bhujia, this snack is delectable! complete search Recipe here.


sentry barfi

Nagpur is also widely popular as the ‘City of Oranges’. Barfi made from orange is a trademark in Nagpur. It is easily available in most of the sweet shops in Nagpur. learn how to make orange barfi, Here.


Not only in Nagpur, this delicious snack is famous everywhere in India. Filled with mashed potatoes with green peas, finely chopped coriander and a variety of strong Indian spices, this snack can please any taste. It is best served with tamarind or mint chutney. find recipe Here.


Try these recipes and let us know which one you liked the most. Stay tuned for more such articles!