5 Street Foods In India That Are Healthy Too

For a true foodie, a bowl of noodles at a fancy restaurant and a plate of roadside tikkis is equally tempting. But if the public has to compare, street food will win. The mere sight of those spicy chaats and the smell of frying samosas grabs our attention in an instant. But when we see grease on maida-filled dumplings, we stop ourselves. Do you regularly find yourself fighting your temptations with health on your mind? We do this too and find it completely unfair.

Consuming our favorite street food without any guilt is not a far cry. You can either look for healthier alternatives or use your creativity to change the ‘unhealthy’ to ‘healthy’ and make your own healthy street food at home.

(Also read: 9 Lesser-Known Indian Street Foods You Must Try,

Here are 5 street foods that are surprisingly healthy:

1. Kulle Chaat

When health experts suggest snacking on fruits and vegetables like cucumbers when you’re hungry at odd times, we choose to ignore it. But if you have tasted this kular chaat once, then you will choose it with all your heart. This chaat is famous at some street stalls in Old Delhi but you can also make it at home. Here is the recipe,

2. Wheat Momos

Momos look like a healthy snack as they are steamed but the excess of refined flour ruins our healthy diet. So choose steamed momos from wheat or make them at home from places like Brown Sugar in Delhi. this recipe.

3. Dahi Bhalla

In case you didn’t know, fried Bhalla made from lentils is soaked in water for some time before turning it into chaat. So you can expect a lot of oil to flow. Always ask the street vendors to exclude fried papdis from your chaat.

4. Bhel Puri

Light, puffed rice, groundnut, onion, tomato, coriander leaves – everything about bhel puri is nice and light. So whenever you crave something spicy, bhel puri should be your choice, or make at home this recipe.

5. Corn

Corn on the cob is the healthiest street food out there. The corn cob roasted over smoky charcoal is full of flavor and satisfying. There’s no way you can resist when and where you see it.


Street food can be healthy too. It depends on your preference. Use this list to make street food snacking fun and guilt-free.

About Neha GroverHis love for reading sparked his writing instinct. Neha is guilty of being deep-set with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring her nest of thoughts on the screen, you can see her reading while sipping coffee.