5 tips to avoid overeating and bloating during the wedding season

Shaadi or marriage season is in full swing across the country. We are all attending weddings and parties of family, friends and colleagues. In India, weddings are a grand affair, at least in terms of food. Rows and rows of freshly cooked food are placed next to each other. Waiters are serving hot snacks with chutneys and dips. And we haven’t yet mentioned the unlimited drinks counter as well as the live food counters with chefs cooking up all kinds of delicious dishes!

With all this variety, it’s tempting enough for us to give Ambition and eat to our heart’s content. We indulge in snacks, main courses and desserts and drinks without even thinking twice. Many times it happens that we start eating too much, due to which our digestive system gets overloaded and flatulence starts. If you want to avoid overeating and keep bloating at bay, we have just what you need.

Read also: Feeling bloated after every meal? 5 Effective Remedies to Try

Here are 5 tips to avoid overeating at wedding parties during the wedding season:

1. Eat something first

A simple yet effective trick is to eat something before going to a wedding. That way, you won’t get overly hungry and will eat mindfully rather than mindlessly choosing whatever is offered to you. “To avoid eating whatever is served to you at a party, eat a small snack and go to celebrate so you don’t starve,” suggests nutritionist and macrobiotic health coach Shilpa Arora.

2. Focus on a Dish

Unable to control your craving? Here’s an easy hack you can try – just focus on one dish. Whether you eat Hakka Noodles with Manchurian, or Italian Pasta from the live counter, or Paneer Tikka or Naan – take your pick and eat dishes from that particular cuisine only. That way, you’ll keep your plate from getting too crowded and limit what you eat at the wedding.

3. Drink plenty of water

One common mistake we all make at weddings is not drinking enough alcohol. Water. Sometimes, the body sends signals to the brain that we are hungry, when in fact we are thirsty. Experts recommend drinking plenty of water at regular intervals for the wedding party. This way, you will fill your stomach while avoiding overeating altogether during the wedding season.

Read also: 3 Silly Mistakes That Make You Bloat After a Meal—Experts Explain

4. Take Small Portions

The most famous and easy trick to avoid overeating at weddings? Whatever you like, just take small portions of it. You can also use a smaller plate to keep your portions smaller and practice mindful eating. This way, you can eat whatever you want without compromising on taste or overeating. For example, instead of three-four cutlets in your plate, take only one cutlet. Also, eat slowly and chew your food properly. Avoid filling your plate with too much food and only go for another portion if you are still hungry after 15-20 minutes.

5. Eat More Protein and Fiber

These days, we all are well aware of the nutritional content of our food. Protein and fiber are both excellent nutrients that will keep hunger pangs at bay and prevent you from overeating. protein rich In weddings the options can be chicken tikka, dal tadka or a paneer based starter. To up your fiber intake, head to the fruit counter or eat plenty of salads.

The idea is to err on the side of caution and eat your normal sized portions. “People with diabetes or any other dietary or medical limitations should always be cautious and eat only what their dietician suggests,” says Shalini Aravind, chief dietitian at Fortis Hospital, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru. It can be tempting to go overboard, especially considering the variety of cuisine at wedding parties. Follow our simple tips and tricks and enjoy the wedding season as healthfully as possible!

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