5 Unique Chocolate Recipes Every Chocolate Lover Must Try

No matter how bad your day is, a piece of chocolate can instantly lift your spirits. After all, chocolate is pure bliss in any form. Whether you munch on it plain, add to decadent cakes, make mousse or spread on bread slices, the goodness of chocolate always satisfies our taste buds. We have seen chocolate in almost every shape and form. Most of us must have tried chocolate in many forms. But today we are going to show you some chocolate recipes that are totally unique, delicious and some that you have hardly heard of. Yes actually! We have selected some interesting chocolate recipes for you to try this weekend. You can love or hate them, but you cannot reject them. Let’s start with the list.

Also read: 5 Easy And Healthy Dark Chocolate Recipes You Must Try

Chocolate Recipes: Here Are 5 Unique Chocolate Recipes You Must Try This Weekend

1. Chocolate Sandwich – Our Recommendation

This sandwich recipe can be made in less than five minutes with just a few simple ingredients. Grated dark compound chocolate and grated cheese add a twist to the usual chicken or veggie sandwich. Read about it here.

2. Chocolate Soup for the Soul

Do you enjoy soups and stews? You can give a sweet twist to your regular soup with this delicious chocolate soup. Hot chocolate soup with gooey cake and ice cream on top. You will definitely feel better after eating this soup! Click here for the recipe.

3. Chocolate Samosa

Classic North Indian breakfast turned into a dessert! All you need to bring to your family and friends this weekend is your all-time favorite samosa stuffed with delicious, yummy chocolate. Find the recipe here.


4. Chocolate Pizza

Last but not least, for those with a sweet tooth, here is an easy chocolate pizza recipe. The top of this pizza is chocolate with fresh, sliced ​​strawberries and nuts. Find the recipe here.


5. Chocolate Paratha

If you fancy anything with chocolate, we have a quick and easy recipe to satisfy your craving. Chocolate Paratha is a quick and easy recipe that will not only satisfy your hunger pangs for lunch but also your sugar cravings! click here.


Raise your hands, chocolate fans! This recipe will surely please your palate. Do try them out and let us know which one you liked best out of the bunch.

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