5 Veg Puff Recipes for Your Next Snack Party

It’s always a good time for breakfast, isn’t it? When you’re not in the mood for a big meal or simply don’t have time, snacks can always come to the rescue. And depending on what part of the world you are from, there are many snacking options. From classic french fries to delicious bhajiyas, there is always something that can be prepared in a matter of minutes. One such snack is the humble puff, a popular savory dish found in bakeries in India. It is made by filling a sheet of puff pastry with the ingredients of choice.

Read also: Weekend Special: 5 Juicy and Crispy Non-Veg Pakora Recipes You Must Try

If you are looking for a light snack, then veg puffs are a great option to try at home. To make things easier, we have compiled a list of 5 such dishes that are just as delicious.

1. Pizza Puff

Pizza Puff is a healthy, non-fried recipe made using wheat flour and semolina. Grated paneer adds a touch of creaminess to the recipe. See recipe here.

2. Triangle Puff

This delicious dish will make you cringe once more. Triangle puff is mainly made of potato and wheat flour with lots of spices. Read cooking instructions here.

3. Pea Puff

As the name suggests, this recipe revolves around green peas. It is made using wheat, flour, coriander powder, red chili powder, turmeric powder, cumin powder, garam masala and many vegetables. See recipe here.

4. Sweet Potato Puffs

It strikes the perfect balance of sweet and salty. They are made using pastry sheets, sweet potatoes and an assortment of vegetables, which are seasoned with a slew of spices. See recipe here.

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5. Cheese Puff

Love Cheese? Then this puff recipe is up your alley. It is simple, full of flavor and easy to make. Read cooking instructions here.

Tell us your pick from the list.