5 Winter Foods You Need to Stop Eating in Summer Immediately

With the beginning of March, the weather starts changing and to deal with this change it is necessary that we check our food and drink. While temperatures begin to rise, our food habits sometimes continue to follow winter choices. And it’s never a good idea.

The foods we enjoy in winters start showing negative effects on our body and cause many problems. Nutritionist Divya Gandhi says that frequent consumption of hot foods in winters can cause many harmful effects. So with the change in season, it is also important to make some changes in your regular diet to adapt it according to the season. Here is a list of 5 foods you ate in winters but quickly checked in summers

tea and coffee

In winter, we keep sipping one cup of tea and coffee one after the other to keep our body warm. However, doing so in the changing season can be very harmful for our body. Drinking tea or coffee on a regular basis can lead to acidity problems and their consumption can also disturb our sleep cycle.

oily food

In winter our body digests oily food very easily. However, with the change in season, such foods can cause a lot of trouble. If we keep on consuming oily food in summers then it will keep our body warm which may make us feel too much heat or restlessness. In summer, we should try to consume such foods which have a cooling effect on the body.

Garam Masala

Garam masala is a very important part of Indian food but its consumption needs to be controlled as soon as the summer season starts. Due to excessive amount of garam masala in food items, periods can be prepon for women. In addition, it can also cause hot flashes and anxiety effects.


With the coming of winter, ginger is used in our tea, curry and many other food items. It keeps our body warm and helps the body deal with the drop in mercury. However, we become so used to the taste that we often do not change our consumption patterns of ginger.

If we do not cut down on the consumption of ginger, it can cause ulcers in our mouth, acne on the face and many other such effects. Consuming ginger more than the required amount in summer can lead to rapid heartbeat.


Another food item whose consumption needs to be controlled with the change in season is garlic. Garlic is hot in nature and its uncontrolled consumption can lead to abdominal bloating and even diarrhea. So with the change in season, please do not forget to check the amount of garlic in your foods.

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