6 easy ways to help your child learn to walk faster

There is no greater joy for parents than watching their children walk for the first time. A child’s learning to walk within the stipulated time is also an indicator of proper mental and physical development of the child. However, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that there is no impediment to this developmental progress.

Many parents do not allow their children to walk on the ground for fear of falling, while there are others who prefer to support their children when they attempt to walk. While it’s true that babies who haven’t stabilized their movement yet may fall and injure themselves, if your child is trying to get up and walk on their feet, their effort may not help. It is important to help them. Here is a guide how you can do that.

don’t use walker

Walkers can cause accidents and moreover, if the baby gets used to walking, he will never learn to walk without it. It would be better if you encourage your children to walk on their own. By doing this they will learn to walk faster.

Use carpet that is not slippery

If the child is trying to walk, you should lay a carpet on the ground. That way, the child will be more protected from injury if they fall. But keep in mind that the carpet should be non-slippery.

help your child walk

If your baby is trying to walk on his own, don’t hold him for support, but support your finger and help him move forward. By doing this your child will not only be motivated to walk but will also try to walk on his own.

oil massage is a must

When the child tries to walk on his own, initially they put all the weight of the body on the legs and thus their muscles have to get stronger. Apply oil and massage twice a day to strengthen the muscles.

Sometimes it’s important to let them go on their own

If baby is trying to walk on his own, don’t help him all the time. Sometimes let them do all the walking and standing work on their own.

motivate your child

You can encourage your child to walk by placing his favorite toy in a corner of the room and letting him fetch it on his own. Buy toys like cars with batteries and ones that move so your child can follow them to pick them up.

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