70:20:10 Formula of Head of Equity of Axis MF

Jinesh Gopani, Head of Equity at Axis Mutual Fund, makes his personal investment Investment list Equity, real estate (in the form of physical assets), and gold in the ratio of 70:20:10 respectively.

When asked whether he considers himself an investor with high risk appetite, gopani Smiled and said, “Given the age I have now, I think it’s better to maximize gains at this age, and then gradually diversify the asset mix later to be on the safe side.”

Gopani shared the details of his portfolio for Guru Portfolio – a special annual mint series that began in 2020 to understand the impact of the pandemic on the personal investment portfolios of leaders in the financial services sector.

The series looks at how respondents’ investments have fared, the changes in their portfolios over the past year, and the investment lessons they have for investors.

equity portfolio

Axis Mutual Fund and Gopani have long been known for their ‘growth’ investment style of managing the fund.

Gopani said 90% of his personal equity portfolio is invested in Axis Mutual Fund schemes managed by him or his associates.

Thus, automatically, his personal equity portfolio is also in line with the ‘growth’ investment strategy.

“Development is life for us. I believe that no one can make money without focusing on growth. Hence, my investments also reflect that philosophy.”

Asked whether he has also invested in the recently launched Axis Value Fund, he said, “As per the new SEBI requirement, skin comes into play and some part of the holding has to go as per the designation. Is. But, otherwise, exposure is critical towards development style.”

He also has international exposure of 10-12% in his equity portfolio through investments in Axis MF schemes. This risk is expected to increase once the allocation of schemes increases.

calculated risk

Except for the emergency fund, Gopani has no exposure to debt: the equivalent of three months’ expenses – kept in short-term fixed deposits.

“Throughout my career, I have seen equity create for investors and I believe it is a better bet than debt,” he said.

When asked what can act as a buffer for his portfolio in times of market volatility, he said, “Since I invest in equities through mutual fund schemes, the risk is calculated. She goes. If you look at the history of the last 10-15 years, I don’t think any good diversified mutual fund scheme would have seen a fall of more than 5-6% in a month, except in events like financial crisis. ,

take away

Gopani said that he is a very systematic investor and never tries to time the market.

He gives the same advice to other retail investors.

“When you invest for a period of 5 to 10 years, don’t look for near-term volatility trying to time the market. To be honest, it is very difficult even for a fund manager to time the market. When we get money in our portfolio, we invest wisely instead of trying to be smart.”

Another important aspect of Gopani’s personal portfolio reflects his strong belief in his growth style of investing and sticking to it. Each investment style has its own periods of outperformance and underperformance.

Many experts suggest that it is very important to invest consistently in a particular investment strategy rather than going from one style to another.

(Note to readers: Through this series, we attempt to highlight the fundamentals of personal finance such as asset allocation, diversification and rebalancing. We do not suggest repeating Gopani’s asset allocation, as personal finance personal finance -is distinct and differs from person to person.)

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