81% of business leaders said the pandemic affected their organization positively: Survey

The pandemic has been a catalyst for businesses to reimagine workplace models and adapt to new ways of working, an Intel survey has revealed. At least 81 percent of business leaders said that workplace disruption due to the pandemic has had a positive impact on DE&I (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) in their organization, showing how successful remote work and hybrid work models have been able to achieve these. are. aim.

In addition, 71 percent said their organization has significantly adapted DE&I initiatives for the hybrid workforce. About 94 percent of respondents with a hybrid workforce India Agreed that the technology would make it easier to achieve their DE&I goals.

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A total of 51 percent of respondents said that finding out how technology can help them scale up their DE&I commitments is one of their top three priorities over the next 12 months. About 66 percent said that remote working and digitization have made it easier to work from underrepresented groups. 57 percent said the acceleration of digital transformation driven by the pandemic has encouraged the adoption of new tools that will support inclusivity.

On the other hand, 55 per cent of those who indicated a COVID-driven negative impact on DE&I said working remotely made inclusivity more challenging.

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About 36 percent of business leaders said there is room for their company to invest more in the systems and initiatives that promote DE&I. In terms of the odds of success, 45 percent said a lack of investment in the tools and technologies to innovate is a major challenge that could prevent their company from reaching its DE&I goals.

While 50 percent said that more employee training, development and support is key to helping their business reach its DE&I goals, 63 percent believe that greater awareness and inclusive language in products and documentation should help businesses can help them achieve their DE&I goals.

Another 48 percent of participants said that their organization has introduced new DE&I training for senior leadership in the past year and has made significant changes since the introduction of remote work in 2020 to adapt to the changing work environment. 39 percent said they already have a rigorous policy and training for their senior leadership. In addition, 46 percent of surveyed leaders said they would welcome global benchmarks and industry standards for DE&I and 47 percent want more industry collaboration as it pertains to inclusion.

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