This futuristic robot made by CalTech can fly

Last Update: 25 August 2022, 11:52 IST

According to Caltech, Leonardo is the first robot to use multi-joint legs and propeller-based thrusters to gain better control over its balance.

Caltech’s Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST) team has developed a new robot called Leonardo which stands for “Legs Onboard Drone.”

We have all heard about smart drones and robots that climb mountains but the future of robotics combines drones that come with legs. Basically, robots that can fly or drones that come with legs. Caltech’s Center for Autonomous Systems and Technologies (CAST) team has developed a new robot called Leonardo which stands for “Legs Onboard Drone.” This robot can walk, hop on slacklines and even ride a skateboard. According to Caltech, Leonardo is the first robot to use multi-joint legs and propeller-based thrusters to gain better control over its balance.

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“By using a hybrid movement that is somewhere between walking and flying, the researchers get the best of both worlds in terms of locomotion. The LEO’s lightweight legs take the stress off their thrusters by supporting the bulk of the weight, but because the thrusters are controlled synchronously with the foot joints, LEO has superhuman balance,” according to Caltech.

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The Leonardo robot is 2.5 feet tall and comes with two legs that have three active joints, as well as four propeller thrusters mounted at an angle to the robot’s shoulders. “When a person walks, they adjust the position and orientation of their feet so that their center of mass moves forward, while maintaining body balance,” it explained.

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Elena-Sorina Lupu (MS’ 21), a graduate student at Caltech and co-author of the Science Robotics paper, said, “Because of its propellers, you can actually push the LEO with a lot of force without knocking the robot down or hurting it.” can.”

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