A 24-year-old UK woman artificially inseminated herself with a £25 online kit; Gave birth to a baby boy – Times of India

According to a miraculous but shocking report, 24-year-old Bailey Ennis gave birth to a perfectly healthy baby boy in September 2021 with the help of a sperm donor. But the shocking thing about it is that she did so by buying an artificial insemination kit that costs only £25, which equates to just over 2K in India.

It seems that the young woman from England was “desperate to be a mother” and “did not wish to be in a relationship”. After artificial insemination, she became pregnant in October 2021 and welcomed her son named Lorenzo on 2 July 2022.

Bailey is currently a single parent and says she “couldn’t be happier”.

“Having a baby is the best thing I’ve ever done for me. Being a mother is wonderful and I’m so glad I decided to go it alone.

“I wanted to be a mother as a teenager and as a lesbian, I always knew it would need to be done through artificial insemination. I had no desire to be in a relationship. I was just a child wanted to be born.

Lorenzo is amazing and looks exactly like me,” she expresses.

The 24-year-old shared that she wasn’t looking for any particular specialty when searching for a donor. “I just wanted someone trustworthy and as healthy as possible,” she said.

“I found someone who had a healthy medical record and was a donor for two other LGBTQ couples before.

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“I found my donor and we did WhatsApp and met for coffee before both agreed that he would be my donor. He has agreed to be my donor for as many children as I can.

“I wanted to have siblings related by blood,” she adds.


The cost of an artificial insemination cycle or (IUI) intrauterine insemination with a partner’s sperm is high. While legal, it can burn a hole in a person’s pocket. Although private transactions are discouraged due to security measures, Bailey seems to have taken the risk and is now a single mother.

What is artificial insemination?

Artificial insemination is a fertility treatment method in which doctors insert sperm directly into a woman’s cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus.

It can be approached in two ways, which are intrauterine insemination (IUI) and intracervical insemination (ICI).

IUI involves inserting sperm behind the cervix and directly into the uterus, whereas ICI is a type of artificial insemination, in which the doctor inserts the sperm into the cervix.

Doctors use a special instrument called a speculum to make the uterus more accessible.

When does this procedure usually help?

Artificial insemination can help treat both male and female infertility.

According to WebMD, in cases where male fertility is involved, artificial insemination is used when sperm counts are too low or when the sperm are not strong enough to swim through the cervix and into the fallopian tubes. Huh.

On the other hand, women may also have to face fertility problems. If women have a condition called “unreceptive cervical mucus,” a doctor may recommend this method, which allows sperm to completely release the cervical mucus.

Also read: 5 Signs That Tell When You Are Fertile Every Month

How long does it take to get pregnant by artificial insemination?

pregnancy Occurs at the time of implantation, which is when the egg or embryo attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. With artificial insemination, implantation can happen anytime within 6-12 days. However, a lot can depend on your age, underlying fertility problems, and overall health.

expected side effects

After undergoing the procedure, women may experience some cramping or light bleeding. While the risk of infection is low when the procedure is conducted in a sterile environment, some women may develop pelvic infection or inflammation.

questions to ask

  1. What is artificial insemination?
    Artificial insemination is a fertility treatment method in which doctors insert sperm directly into a woman’s cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus.
  2. What are the types of artificial insemination?
    Artificial insemination can be performed in two ways, which are intrauterine insemination (IUI) and intracervical insemination (ICI).