“A Breakthrough”: World’s First Vaccine for Bees Approved in US

The US Department of Agriculture has issued a conditional license for two years. (Representative)

The world’s first vaccine for bees has been conditionally licensed in the US, marking a major breakthrough in the conservation of these insects vital to food production. The vaccine, developed by US-based biotech company Dalan Animal Health, will protect bees from American foulbrood disease.

With one-third of the global food supply dependent on pollination, healthy commercial hives are essential to securing high crop yields, a Press release Read by Dalan. Until now, the only treatment method used against the disease was to burn bees and infected hives.

“Our vaccine is a breakthrough in protecting bees,” said Dr. Annette Kleiser, CEO of Dalan Animal Health. “We are committed to providing innovative solutions to protect our pollinators and promote sustainable agriculture. Global population growth and a changing climate will increase the importance of bee pollination to secure our food supply.”

The US Department of Agriculture has issued a conditional license for two years. Dalan will distribute the vaccine to commercial beekeepers on a limited basis and the vaccine is expected to be available for purchase in the US this year.

The vaccine is administered by mixing it into queen feed that is consumed by worker bees, which is then incorporated into royal jelly that feeds it to the queen. She swallows it, and fragments of the vaccine get deposited in her ovaries. After exposure to the vaccine, the developing larvae develop immunity.

Dalan wants to use this approach to develop vaccines for other bee diseases and less-used industries, such as shrimp, mealworms, and insects used in agriculture.

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