A Dermatologist’s Guide to Wearing Your Sunscreen Right

Not wearing sunscreen often leads to premature aging of the skin and even skin cancer. However, some of you might be finding it difficult to understand which sunscreen is right for your skin type or skin tone. There is a plethora of options from which one can choose. Some of the most advanced SPF formulas are manufactured in South Korea and Japan. With modern formulations, one can avoid the white cast that most SPFs leave behind.

Wearing sunscreen will protect you from harmful UVA and UVB rays present in sunlight. American dermatologist, Ranella Hirsch also clarified that “SPF only speaks for UVB protection, and does nothing for UVA rays, which age your skin and cause skin cancer.” Hirsch also mentioned in another Instagram post that the SPF number only indicates how much protection it will provide from UVB rays, and that it says nothing about protection from the longer wavelength UVA rays that are responsible for photoaging. . Therefore, invest in a broad spectrum SPF to protect your skin from both UVA and UVB rays.

Ranella Hirsch MD, FAAD (#DermDebunking and #skinscience) (@ranellamd)