A New Quantum Computer Startup From Harvard, MIT $17M . enhances

caliph : A new quantum computer startup born out of researchers at Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) said Wednesday that it raised $17 million from investors including Japanese e-commerce giant Rakuten Inc.

It is the latest quantum computer hardware maker to come out of the lab at a time when funding for the nascent technology is booming.

While there are various technologies to create so-called quantum bits or qubits where computation takes place, Quora’s qubits use neutral atoms in a vacuum chamber and a laser to cool and control them.

“From 2015 when we had an empty lab to 2017, the work we were doing at Harvard and MIT, we were already at the level where we could control 51 of these neutral atom qubits,” says Quora CEO Alex Kessling said. Co-inventor of technology. He said the technology was easy to scale up and that in two years Quora would have a 1000-qubit computer. Today it has a 256-qubit machine, he said.

International Business Machines Corp., whose quantum computers are already available via the cloud, aims to have 1000 more qubit machines by 2023. Although it is difficult to compare the performance of different machines based only on the number of qubits, many researchers say quantum computers.

For those looking to try out the Quera machine, Keesling said the goal is to make it available via the cloud by the third quarter of next year.

While there is some debate about whether quantum computers will be able to solve real-world problems, researchers believe that quantum computers could operate millions of times faster than today’s advanced supercomputers, potentially It can potentially serve to map complex molecular structures and promote chemical reactions. The power of artificial intelligence.

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