A quick look at the 2022 Nobel Prizes – Times of India

Stockholm: All 2022 Nobel Now the awards have been announced. Here’s a look at what awards have been announced so far, what’s coming up and what’s next for the winners.
This year’s Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences has been awarded to former US Federal Reserve Chairman Beene Bernanke and two other US-based economists. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Diebwig were recognized Monday for their research into the consequences of bank failures. The Nobel panel of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm said the three’s research showed “why it is important to avoid a bank collapse.” The panel says the trio’s findings in the early 1980s laid the foundation for regulating financial markets and tackling financial crises.
This year’s Nobel Peace Prize was shared on Friday by jailed Belarusian rights activist Ales Bilyatsky, a Russian group Memorial and the Ukrainian organization Center for Civil Liberties. The Norwegian Nobel Committee said the laureates “made an outstanding effort to document war crimes, human rights abuses and abuses of power. Together they demonstrate the importance of civil society to peace and democracy.” The award was seen as a harsh rebuke to the authoritarian regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The Swedish Academy on Thursday awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature to French writer Anne Arnoux for “the courage and clinical acumen with which she uncovers the roots, mechanisms and collective restrictions of individual memory.” Arnoux, 82, has written more than 20 books, most of which are very short, old incidents from his life and the lives of those around him. Her work paints incongruous portraits of sexual encounters, miscarriages, illness, and the deaths of her parents.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry was jointly awarded to American Carolyn R. Bertozzi and K. Barry Sharpless and Danish scientist. morton meldall For his work on click chemistry, an area of ​​research that could be used to design better drugs. Sharpless is a repeat winner: He even won the Chemistry Award in 2001.
The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded on Tuesday to Frenchman Alain Aspect, American John F. Clauser and Austrian Anton Zeilinger. The trio shared the prize for discovering that unseen particles, known as photons, could be associated with, or “entangled” with each other, even when they were separated by large distances. Be gone
The Medicine or Physiology Prize is traditionally the first Nobel to be announced. This year’s award went to Swedish scientist swante pabo For discoveries about human evolution obtained through the analysis of the DNA of Neanderthals and other ancient relatives of modern humans.
What do the winners get?
Nobel laureates are invited to receive their prizes at award ceremonies held on 10 December, the anniversary of the death of prize founder Alfred Nobel in 1896. The award consists of a diploma, a gold medal and a monetary prize of 10 million Swedish kronor (approximately $900,000). ) The Nobel Peace Prize is given in the Norwegian capital Oslo, while other prizes are given in Stockholm, Sweden, in accordance with Nobel’s wishes.