a short workweek

The United Arab Emirates has announced that it will switch to a 4.5-day working week and move to a Saturday-Sunday weekend instead of Friday-Saturday, which is prevalent in most Gulf countries. Due to take effect on January 1, the change will mean that workplaces will follow a full-day routine from Monday to Thursday, with workers freed up for extended leave from Friday afternoon. UAE aims to align work schedules with global patterns and provide employees with a better work-life balance.

While the global-alignment argument is clear, given that Dubai and Abu Dhabi are highly globalized business hubs, what deserves debate and possibly emulation is the search for a shorter work week. Numerous studies have shown impressive productivity gains through a workforce that is better able to handle and relieve work stress. Companies may also find from the pandemic’s use of work-from-home coercion that quality is more valuable than any quantity of hours put in, as long as workers are properly employed to help achieve corporate goals. are inspired. Workweek conventions need to be challenged. And UAE can serve as a test case.

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